Package-level declarations


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This specifies how the next frame is based on this frame.

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This specifies how the next frame is based on this frame.

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class AnimationFrameInfo(var requiredFrame: Int, var duration: Int, var isFullyReceived: Boolean, var alphaType: ColorAlphaType, var isHasAlphaWithinBounds: Boolean, var disposalMethod: AnimationDisposalMode, var blendMode: BlendMode, frameRect: IRect)

Information about individual frames in a multi-framed image.

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class ArrayDecoder(ptr: NativePointer, disposePtr: NativePointer)
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abstract class BBHFactory : Managed
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A class that locates boundaries in text. This class defines a protocol for objects that break up a piece of natural-language text according to a set of criteria. Instances or subclasses of BreakIterator can be provided, for example, to break a piece of text into words, sentences, or logical characters according to the conventions of some language or group of languages.

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open class Canvas : Managed
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object Color
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class Color4f(val r: Float, val g: Float, val b: Float, val a: Float = 1.0f)
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Describes how to interpret the alpha component of a pixel. A pixel may be opaque, or alpha, describing multiple levels of transparency.

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class ColorInfo(val colorType: ColorType, val alphaType: ColorAlphaType, val colorSpace: ColorSpace?)

Describes pixel and encoding. ImageInfo can be created from ColorInfo by providing dimensions.

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class ColorMatrix(mat: Float)
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Describes how pixel bits encode color. A pixel may be an alpha mask, a grayscale, RGB, or ARGB.

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class CubicResampler(val b: Float, val c: Float) : SamplingMode

Specify B and C (each between 0...1) to create a shader that applies the corresponding cubic reconstruction filter to the image.

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class Data : Managed

Data holds an immutable data buffer.

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abstract class Drawable : Managed

Base class for objects that draw into Canvas.

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expect annotation class ExternalSymbolName(val name: String)
actual typealias ExternalSymbolName = JsName
actual typealias ExternalSymbolName = SymbolName
actual annotation class ExternalSymbolName(val name: String)
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class FilterMipmap(filterMode: FilterMode, mipmapMode: MipmapMode = MipmapMode.NONE) : SamplingMode
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class Font : Managed
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Whether edge pixels draw opaque or with partial transparency.

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class FontExtents(val ascender: Float, val descender: Float, val lineGap: Float)
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class FontFamilyName(val name: String, val language: String)
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class FontFeature(val _tag: Int, val value: Int, val start: UInt, val end: UInt)
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Level of glyph outline adjustment

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class FontMetrics(val top: Float, val ascent: Float, val descent: Float, val bottom: Float, val leading: Float, val avgCharWidth: Float, val maxCharWidth: Float, val xMin: Float, val xMax: Float, val xHeight: Float, val capHeight: Float, val underlineThickness: Float?, val underlinePosition: Float?, val strikeoutThickness: Float?, val strikeoutPosition: Float?)
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open class FontMgr : RefCnt
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Consider registering this FontMgr as a default one to let all other possibly registered Font managers to look for their fallbacks first: FontCollection.setDefaultFontManager(...)

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class FontStyle
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class FontVariation(val _tag: Int, val value: Float)
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class FontVariationAxis(val _tag: Int, val minValue: Float, val defaultValue: Float, val maxValue: Float, val isHidden: Boolean)
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interface FontWeight
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interface FontWidth
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interface FourByteTag
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class GradientStyle(val tileMode: FilterTileMode, val isPremul: Boolean, val localMatrix: Matrix33?)
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class Graphics
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interface IHasImageInfo
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class ImageInfo(val colorInfo: ColorInfo, val width: Int, val height: Int)

Describes pixel dimensions and encoding. Bitmap, Image, Pixmap, and Surface can be created from ImageInfo. ImageInfo can be retrieved from Bitmap and Pixmap, but not from Image and Surface. For example, Image and Surface implementations may defer pixel depth, so may not completely specify ImageInfo.

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class IPoint(val x: Int, val y: Int)
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class IRange(val start: Int, val end: Int)
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class IRect
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class ISize
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expect class Matcher
actual class Matcher
actual typealias Matcher = java.util.regex.Matcher
actual class Matcher
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class Matrix22(mat: Float)

2x2 matrix.

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class Matrix33(mat: Float)

Matrix holds a 3x3 matrix for transforming coordinates. This allows mapping Point and vectors with translation, scaling, skewing, rotation, and perspective.

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class Matrix44(mat: Float)

4x4 matrix used by SkCanvas and other parts of Skia.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
expect annotation class ModuleImport(val module: String, val name: String)
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
actual annotation class ModuleImport(val module: String, val name: String)
actual typealias ModuleImport = WasmImport
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class Paint : Managed
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abstract class PaintFilterCanvas(canvas: Canvas, unrollDrawable: Boolean) : Canvas

A utility proxy base class for implementing draw/paint filters.

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Cap draws at the beginning and end of an open path contour.

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Join specifies how corners are drawn when a shape is stroked. Join affects the four corners of a stroked rectangle, and the connected segments in a stroked path.

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Path contain geometry. Path may be empty, or contain one or more verbs that outline a figure. Path always starts with a move verb to a Cartesian coordinate, and may be followed by additional verbs that add lines or curves.

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enum PathOp : Enum<PathOp>

The logical operations that can be performed when combining two paths.

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class PathSegment(val verb: PathVerb = PathVerb.DONE, val p0: Point? = null, val p1: Point? = null, val p2: Point? = null, val p3: Point? = null, val conicWeight: Float = 0.0f, val isCloseLine: Boolean = false, val isClosedContour: Boolean = false)
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interface PathSegmentMask
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object PathUtils
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Verb instructs Path how to interpret one or more Point and optional conic weight; manage contour, and terminate Path.

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expect class Pattern
actual class Pattern
actual typealias Pattern = java.util.regex.Pattern
actual class Pattern
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class Picture : RefCnt
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class Pixmap : Managed
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class Point(val x: Float, val y: Float)
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class Point3(val x: Float, val y: Float, val z: Float)
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open class Rect(val left: Float, val top: Float, val right: Float, val bottom: Float)
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class Region : Managed
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class RRect : Rect
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class RSXform(scos: Float, ssin: Float, tx: Float, ty: Float)

A compressed form of a rotation+scale matrix.

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interface SamplingMode
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class Shader : RefCnt
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class Surface : RefCnt
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class SurfaceProps(isDeviceIndependentFonts: Boolean = false, pixelGeometry: PixelGeometry = PixelGeometry.UNKNOWN)
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Kotlin mirror of std::vector (UTF-16)

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abstract class WStream : Managed


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fun Image.Companion.makeFromEncoded(nsData: <Error class: unknown class>): Image
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fun Typeface.Companion.makeFromFile(path: String, index: Int = 0): Typeface
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Create a new dataref the file with the specified path. If the file cannot be opened, this returns null.

Create a new dataref the file with the specified path. If the file cannot be opened, this returns null.

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fun <R> DirectContext.useContext(block: (ctx: DirectContext) -> R): R