

Link copied to clipboard
object Companion


Link copied to clipboard

Returns a non-zero, unique value corresponding to the pixels in this pixelref. Each time the pixels are changed (and notifyPixelsChanged is called), a different generation ID will be returned.

Link copied to clipboard
val height: Int
Link copied to clipboard
expect open val isClosed: Boolean

Check if underlying resource is closed.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns true if this pixelref is marked as immutable, meaning that the contents of its pixels will not change for the lifetime of the pixelref.

Link copied to clipboard
expect val refCount: Int

Number of references on underlying native object.

Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val width: Int


Link copied to clipboard
expect open fun close()

Free underlying native resource, peer is useless afterwards.

Link copied to clipboard

Call this if you have changed the contents of the pixels. This will in- turn cause a different generation ID value to be returned from getGenerationID().

Link copied to clipboard

Marks this pixelref is immutable, meaning that the contents of its pixels will not change for the lifetime of the pixelref. This state can be set on a pixelref, but it cannot be cleared once it is set.

Link copied to clipboard
expect open override fun toString(): String