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object Companion


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Return a rectangle (scaled to 1-pt) that represents the union of the bounds of all of the glyphs, but each one positioned at (0,). This may be conservatively large, and will not take into account any hinting or other size-specific adjustments.

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expect open val isClosed: Boolean

Check if underlying resource is closed.

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This is a style bit, advance widths may vary even if this returns true.

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expect val refCount: Int

Number of references on underlying native object.

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It is possible the number of axes can be retrieved but actual position cannot.

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It is possible the number of axes can be retrieved but actual position cannot.


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expect open fun close()

Free underlying native resource, peer is useless afterwards.

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Given a run of glyphs, return the associated horizontal adjustments. Adjustments are in "design units", which are integers relative to the typeface's units per em (see .getUnitsPerEm).

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Given a string, returns corresponding glyph ids.

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Return an immutable copy of the requested font table, or null if that table was not found.

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Given a table tag, return the size of its contents, or 0 if not present

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fun getUTF32Glyph(unichar: Int): Short

This is a short-cut for calling .getUTF32Glyphs.

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Given an array of UTF32 character codes, return their corresponding glyph IDs.

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Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as specified in the variation. If the variation does not supply an argument for a parameter in the font then the value from this typeface will be used as the value for that argument.

fun makeClone(variations: Array<FontVariation>, collectionIndex: Int = 0): Typeface

Return a new typeface based on this typeface but parameterized as specified in the variations. If the variations does not supply an argument for a parameter in the font then the value from this typeface will be used as the value for that argument.

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open override fun toString(): String