Package-level declarations


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Base class representing an SQL query that returns a ResultSet when executed.

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class Alias<out T : Table>(val delegate: T, val alias: String) : Table

Represents a temporary SQL identifier, alias, for a delegate table.

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class AndBitOp<T, S : T>(val expr1: Expression<T>, val expr2: Expression<S>, val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Represents an SQL operator that performs a bitwise and on expr1 and expr2.

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Represents a logical operator that performs an and operation between all the specified expressions.

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class ArrayColumnType<E>(val delegate: ColumnType<E & Any>, val maximumCardinality: Int? = null) : ColumnType<List<E>>

Array column for storing a collection of elements.

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class AutoIncColumnType<T>(val delegate: ColumnType<T>, _autoincSeq: String?, fallbackSeqName: String) : IColumnType<T>

Auto-increment column type.

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class Avg<T : Comparable<T>, S : T?>(val expr: Expression<S>, scale: Int) : Function<BigDecimal?> , WindowFunction<BigDecimal?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Binary column for storing binary strings of variable and unlimited length.

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class Between(val expr: Expression<*>, val from: Expression<*>, val to: Expression<*>) : Op<Boolean> , ComplexExpression, Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if the specified expr is between the values from and to.

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abstract class BiCompositeColumn<C1, C2, T>(column1: Column<C1>, column2: Column<C2>, val transformFromValue: (T) -> Pair<C1?, C2?>, val transformToValue: (Any?, Any?) -> T, nullable: Boolean = false) : CompositeColumn<T>

Extension of CompositeColumn that consists of two columns, column1 and column2.

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open class BinaryColumnType(val length: Int) : BasicBinaryColumnType

Binary column for storing binary strings of a specific length.

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class BlobColumnType(val useObjectIdentifier: Boolean = false) : ColumnType<ExposedBlob>

Binary column for storing BLOBs.

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Boolean column for storing boolean values.

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Numeric column for storing 1-byte integers.

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class Case(val value: Expression<*>? = null)

Represents an SQL function that allows the comparison of value to chained conditional clauses.

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class CaseWhen<T>(val value: Expression<*>?)

Represents an SQL function that allows the comparison of value to chained conditional clauses.

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class CaseWhenElse<T>(val caseWhen: CaseWhen<T>, val elseResult: Expression<T>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T> , ComplexExpression

Represents an SQL function that steps through conditions, and either returns a value when the first condition is met or returns elseResult if all conditions are false.

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class Cast<T>(val expr: Expression<*>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : Function<T>

Represents an SQL function that specifies a conversion from one data type to another.

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Character column for storing single characters.

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open class CharColumnType(val colLength: Int = 255, val collate: String? = null) : StringColumnType

Character column for storing strings with the exact colLength length using the specified collate type.

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class CharLength<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<Int?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the length of expr, measured in characters, or null if expr is null.

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data class CheckConstraint(val tableName: String, val checkName: String, val checkOp: String) : DdlAware

Represents a check constraint.

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class Coalesce<T, S : T?>(expr: ExpressionWithColumnType<S>, alternate: Expression<out T>, others: Expression<out T>) : Function<T>

Represents an SQL function that returns the first of its arguments that is not null.

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class Column<T>(val table: Table, val name: String, val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T> , DdlAware, Comparable<Column<*>>

Represents a column.

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data class ColumnDiff(val nullability: Boolean, val autoInc: Boolean, val defaults: Boolean, val caseSensitiveName: Boolean, val sizeAndScale: Boolean)

Represents differences between a column definition and database metadata for the existing column.

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abstract class ColumnSet : FieldSet

Represents a set of columns.

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An interface defining the transformation between a source column type and a target type.

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abstract class ColumnType<T>(var nullable: Boolean = false) : IColumnType<T>

Standard column type.

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A class that handles the transformation between a source column type and a target type.

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abstract class ComparisonOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>, val opSign: String) : Op<Boolean> , ComplexExpression, Op.OpBoolean

Represents a comparison between expr1 and expr2 using the given SQL opSign.

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Marker interface which indicates that expression should be wrapped with braces when used in compound operators

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abstract class CompositeColumn<T> : Expression<T>

Composite column represents multiple tightly related standard columns, which behave like a single column for the user

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Class representing one or more SqlLoggers.

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Represent a logical operator that performs an operation between all the specified expressions. This is the base class for the and and or operators:

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class Concat(val separator: String, val expr: Expression<*>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that concatenates the text representations of all non-null input values from expr, separated by separator.

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class Count(val expr: Expression<*>, val distinct: Boolean = false) : Function<Long> , WindowFunction<Long>

Represents an SQL function that returns the number of input rows for which the value of expr is not null.

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class CumeDist(scale: Int = 2) : WindowFunction<BigDecimal>

Represents an SQL function that Returns the cumulative distribution, that is (number of partition rows preceding or peers with current row) / (total partition rows). The value thus ranges from 1/N to 1. scale represents decimal digits count in the fractional part of result.

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Represents an SQL window function frame bound that is CURRENT ROW or one of FOLLOWING forms.

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Represents an SQL window function frame bound that is CURRENT ROW or one of PRECEDING forms.

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Represents an CURRENT ROW window function frame bound.

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class CustomEnumerationColumnType<T : Enum<T>>(val name: String, val sql: String?, val fromDb: (Any) -> T, val toDb: (T) -> Any) : ColumnType<T>

Enumeration column for storing enums of type T using the custom SQL type sql.

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open class CustomFunction<T>(val functionName: String, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>, val expr: Expression<*>) : Function<T>

Represents a custom SQL function.

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open class CustomOperator<T>(val operatorName: String, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>, val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : Function<T>

Represents a custom SQL binary operator.

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class Database

Class representing the underlying database to which connections are made and on which transaction tasks are performed.

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A configuration class for a Database.

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Represents an ExposedConnection that is loaded whenever a connection is accessed by a Database instance.

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interface DdlAware

Common interface for database objects that can be created, modified and dropped.

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class DecimalColumnType(val precision: Int, val scale: Int) : ColumnType<BigDecimal>

Numeric column for storing numbers with the specified precision and scale.

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Represents an SQL function that returns the rank of the current row, without gaps; this function effectively counts peer groups.

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class DivideOp<T, S : T>(dividend: Expression<T>, divisor: Expression<S>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : CustomOperator<T>

Represents an SQL operator that divides expr1 by expr2.

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Numeric column for storing 8-byte (double precision) floating-point numbers.

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Represents a SizedIterable that is empty and cannot be iterated over.

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class EntityIDColumnType<T : Comparable<T>>(val idColumn: Column<T>) : ColumnType<EntityID<T>>

Identity column type for storing unique EntityID values.

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class EnumerationColumnType<T : Enum<T>>(val klass: KClass<T>) : ColumnType<T>

Enumeration column for storing enums of type klass by their ordinal.

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class EnumerationNameColumnType<T : Enum<T>>(val klass: KClass<T>, val colLength: Int) : ColumnType<T>

Enumeration column for storing enums of type klass by their name.

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class EqOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is equals to expr2.

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class EqSubQueryOp<T>(expr: Expression<T>, query: AbstractQuery<*>) : SubQueryOp<T>

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr is equals to single value returned from query.

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class Except(firstStatement: AbstractQuery<*>, val secondStatement: AbstractQuery<*>) : SetOperation

Represents an SQL operation that returns the distinct results of firstStatement that are not common to secondStatement.

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class Exists(val query: AbstractQuery<*>) : Op<Boolean> , Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if query returns at least one row.

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API marked with this annotation is experimental. Any behavior associated with its use is not guaranteed to be stable.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY])
annotation class ExperimentalKeywordApi

API marked with this annotation is experimental. Any behavior associated with its use is not guaranteed to be stable.

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open class ExplainQuery(val analyze: Boolean, val options: String?, internalStatement: Statement<*>) : Statement<ResultSet> , Iterable<ExplainResultRow>

Represents the SQL query that obtains information about a statement execution plan.

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class ExplainResultRow(val fieldIndex: Map<String, Int>, data: Array<Any?>)

A row of data representing a single record retrieved from a database result set about a statement execution plan.

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abstract class Expression<T>

Represents an SQL expression of type T.

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class ExpressionAlias<T>(val delegate: Expression<T>, val alias: String) : Expression<T>

Represents a temporary SQL identifier, alias, for a delegate expression.

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Represents an SQL expression of type T, but with a specific column type.

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interface FieldSet

Represents a set of expressions, contained in the given column set.

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A conditional expression used as a filter when creating a partial index.

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Represents an SQL function that returns expr evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame.

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Numeric column for storing 4-byte (single precision) floating-point numbers.

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data class ForeignKeyConstraint(val references: Map<Column<*>, Column<*>>, onUpdate: ReferenceOption?, onDelete: ReferenceOption?, name: String?) : DdlAware

Represents a foreign key constraint.

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abstract class Function<T>(val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Represents an SQL function.

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class GreaterEqOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is greater than or equal to expr2.

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class GreaterOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is greater than expr2.

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class GroupConcat<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>, val separator: String?, val distinct: Boolean, val orderBy: Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that concatenates the text representation of all non-null input values of each group from expr, separated by separator

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interface IColumnType<T>

Interface common to all column types.

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interface IDateColumnType

Marker interface for date/datetime related column types.

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data class Index(val columns: List<Column<*>>, val unique: Boolean, val customName: String? = null, val indexType: String? = null, val filterCondition: Op<Boolean>? = null, val functions: List<ExpressionWithColumnType<*>>? = null, val functionsTable: Table? = null) : DdlAware

Represents an index.

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class InSubQueryOp<T>(expr: Expression<T>, query: AbstractQuery<*>) : SubQueryOp<T>

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr is equals to any row returned from query.

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Numeric column for storing 4-byte integers.

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API marked with this annotation is internal and should not be used outside Exposed. It may be changed or removed in the future without notice. Using it outside Exposed may result in undefined and unexpected behaviour.

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class Intersect(firstStatement: AbstractQuery<*>, val secondStatement: AbstractQuery<*>) : SetOperation

Represents an SQL operation that returns only the common rows from two query results, without any duplicates.

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class IsDistinctFromOp(val expression1: Expression<*>, val expression2: Expression<*>) : Op<Boolean> , ComplexExpression, Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expression1 is not equal to expression2, with null treated as a comparable value. This comparison never returns null.

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class IsNotDistinctFromOp(val expression1: Expression<*>, val expression2: Expression<*>) : Op<Boolean> , ComplexExpression, Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expression1 is equal to expression2, with null treated as a comparable value. This comparison never returns null.

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Represents an SQL operator that checks if the specified expr is not null.

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Represents an SQL operator that checks if the specified expr is null.

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Represents all the operators available when building SQL expressions.

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class Join(val table: ColumnSet) : ColumnSet

Represents a join relation between multiple column sets.

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Pair of expressions used to match rows from two joined tables.

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Represents column set join types.

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Marker interface for json/jsonb related column types.

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class Key<T>

Represents a key for a value of type T.

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class Lag<T>(val expr: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>, val offset: ExpressionWithColumnType<Int> = intLiteral(1), val defaultValue: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>? = null) : WindowFunction<T?>

Represents an SQL function that returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns defaultValue.

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open class LargeTextColumnType(val collate: String? = null, val eagerLoading: Boolean = false) : TextColumnType
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Represents an SQL function that returns expr evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame.

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class LazySizedCollection<out T>(_delegate: SizedIterable<T>) : SizedIterable<T>

Represents a SizedIterable whose elements are only loaded on first access.

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Represents the iterable elements of a database result, which are stored once loaded on first access.

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class Lead<T>(val expr: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>, val offset: ExpressionWithColumnType<Int> = intLiteral(1), val defaultValue: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>? = null) : WindowFunction<T?>

Represents an SQL function that returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns defaultValue.

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class LessEqOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is less than or equal to expr2.

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class LessOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is less than expr2.

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class LikeEscapeOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>, like: Boolean, val escapeChar: Char?) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 matches expr2.

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data class LikePattern(val pattern: String, val escapeChar: Char? = null)

Represents a pattern used for the comparison of string expressions.

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class LiteralOp<T>(val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>, val value: T) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Represents the specified value as an SQL literal, using the specified columnType to convert the value.

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class Locate<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>, val substring: String) : Function<Int>

Represents an SQL function that returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in expr or 0

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Numeric column for storing 8-byte integers.

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class LowerCase<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that converts expr to lower case.

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class Max<T : Comparable<T>, in S : T?>(val expr: Expression<in S>, columnType: IColumnType<T>) : Function<T?> , WindowFunction<T?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the maximum value of expr across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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open class MediumTextColumnType(val collate: String? = null, val eagerLoading: Boolean = false) : TextColumnType
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class Min<T : Comparable<T>, in S : T?>(val expr: Expression<in S>, columnType: IColumnType<T>) : Function<T?> , WindowFunction<T?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the minimum value of expr across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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class MinusOp<T, S : T>(expr1: Expression<T>, expr2: Expression<S>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : CustomOperator<T>

Represents an SQL operator that subtracts expr2 from expr1.

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class ModOp<T : Number?, S : Number?, R : Number?>(val expr1: Expression<T>, val expr2: Expression<S>, val columnType: IColumnType<R & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<R>

Represents an SQL operator that calculates the remainder of dividing expr1 by expr2.

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class NeqOp(val expr1: Expression<*>, val expr2: Expression<*>) : ComparisonOp

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 is not equals to expr2.

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sealed class NextVal<T> : Function<T>

Represents an SQL function that advances the specified seq and returns the new value.

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class NoOpConversion<T, S>(val expr: Expression<T>, val columnType: IColumnType<S & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<S>

Represents an SQL operator that doesn't perform any operation. This is mainly used to change between column types.

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class NotEqSubQueryOp<T>(expr: Expression<T>, query: AbstractQuery<*>) : SubQueryOp<T>

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr is not equals to single value returned from query.

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class NotExists(val query: AbstractQuery<*>) : Op<Boolean> , Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if query doesn't returns any row.

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class NotInSubQueryOp<T>(expr: Expression<T>, query: AbstractQuery<*>) : SubQueryOp<T>

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr is not equals to any row returned from query.

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class NotOp<T>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Op<Boolean> , Op.OpBoolean

Represents a logical operator that inverts the specified boolean expr.

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Represents an SQL function that returns expr evaluated at the row that is the n'th row of the window frame (counting from 1); null if no such row

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Returns an integer ranging from 1 to the argument value, dividing the partition as equally as possible.

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A class that handles the transformation between a source column type and a target type, but also supports transformations involving null values.

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Represents offset FOLLOWING window function frame bound.

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Represents offset PRECEDING window function frame bound.

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Represents an offset PRECEDING or FOLLOWING window function frame bound. direction specifies whether previous or next partition rows will be used.

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abstract class Op<T> : Expression<T>

Represents an SQL operator.

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class OrBitOp<T, S : T>(val expr1: Expression<T>, val expr2: Expression<S>, val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Represents an SQL operator that performs a bitwise or on expr1 and expr2.

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class OrOp(expressions: List<Expression<Boolean>>) : CompoundBooleanOp

Represents a logical operator that performs an or operation between all the specified expressions.

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Represents an SQL function that returns the relative rank of the current row, that is (rank - 1) / (total partition rows - 1). The value thus ranges from 0 to 1 inclusive. scale represents decimal digits count in the fractional part of result.

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class PlusOp<T, S : T>(expr1: Expression<T>, expr2: Expression<S>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : CustomOperator<T>

Represents an SQL operator that adds expr2 to expr1.

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open class Query(var set: FieldSet, where: Op<Boolean>?) : AbstractQuery<Query>

Class representing an SQL SELECT statement on which query clauses can be built.

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class QueryAlias(val query: AbstractQuery<*>, val alias: String) : ColumnSet

Represents a temporary SQL identifier, alias, for a query.

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class QueryBuilder(val prepared: Boolean)

An object to which SQL expressions and values can be appended.

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class QueryParameter<T>(val value: T, val sqlType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : Expression<T>

Represents the specified value as a query parameter, using the specified sqlType to convert the value.

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class Random(val seed: Int? = null) : Function<BigDecimal>

Represents an SQL function that returns a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0, using the specified seed.

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Represents an SQL function that returns the rank of the current row, with gaps; that is, the row_number of the first row in its peer group.

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Represents referential actions used by ON UPDATE or ON DELETE subclauses of a FOREIGN KEY constraint clause.

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class RegexpOp<T : String?>(val expr1: Expression<T>, val expr2: Expression<String>, val caseSensitive: Boolean) : Op<Boolean> , ComplexExpression, Op.OpBoolean

Represents an SQL operator that checks if expr1 matches the regular expression expr2.

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class ResultRow(val fieldIndex: Map<Expression<*>, Int>, data: Array<Any?> = arrayOfNulls<Any?>(fieldIndex.size))

A row of data representing a single record retrieved from a database result set.

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Represents an SQL function that returns the number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1.

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data class Schema(name: String, val authorization: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val defaultTablespace: String? = null, val temporaryTablespace: String? = null, val quota: String? = null, val on: String? = null)

Represents a database schema.

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Utility functions that assist with creating, altering, and dropping database schema objects.

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typealias Select = Slice

Represents a subset of fields from a given source.

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class Sequence(val name: String, val startWith: Long? = null, val incrementBy: Long? = null, val minValue: Long? = null, val maxValue: Long? = null, val cycle: Boolean? = null, val cache: Long? = null)

Represents a database sequence.

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Represents an SQL operation that combines the results of multiple queries into a single result.

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Numeric column for storing 2-byte integers.

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class SizedCollection<out T>(val delegate: Collection<T>) : SizedIterable<T>

Represents a SizedIterable that defers to the specified delegate collection.

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interface SizedIterable<out T> : Iterable<T>

Represents the iterable elements of a database result.

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Class representing a provider of log messages at DEBUG level.

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class Slice(val source: ColumnSet, val fields: List<Expression<*>>) : FieldSet

Represents a subset of fields from a given source.

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Builder object for creating SQL expressions.

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interface SqlLogger

Base class representing a provider of log messages.

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class StdDevPop<T>(val expression: Expression<T>, scale: Int) : Function<BigDecimal?> , WindowFunction<BigDecimal?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the population standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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class StdDevSamp<T>(val expression: Expression<T>, scale: Int) : Function<BigDecimal?> , WindowFunction<BigDecimal?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the sample standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Class representing a provider of log messages sent to standard output stream.

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abstract class StringColumnType(val collate: String? = null) : ColumnType<String>

Base character column for storing strings using the specified text collate type.

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Represents an SQL operator that compares expr to any row returned from query.

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class Substring<T : String?>(expr: Expression<T>, start: Expression<Int>, val length: Expression<Int>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that extract a substring from expr that begins at the specified start and with the specified length.

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class Sum<T>(val expr: Expression<T>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : Function<T?> , WindowFunction<T?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the sum of expr across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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open class Table(name: String = "") : ColumnSet, DdlAware

Base class for any simple table.

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open class TextColumnType(val collate: String? = null, val eagerLoading: Boolean = false) : StringColumnType

Character column for storing strings of arbitrary length using the specified collate type.

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class TimesOp<T, S : T>(expr1: Expression<T>, expr2: Expression<S>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : CustomOperator<T>

Represents an SQL operator that multiplies expr1 by expr2.

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Class representing a unit block of work that is performed on a database.

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class Trim<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that remove the longest string containing only spaces from both ends of expr

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Numeric column for storing unsigned 1-byte integers.

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Numeric column for storing unsigned 4-byte integers.

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Numeric column for storing unsigned 8-byte integers.

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Represents UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING window function frame bound.

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Represents UNBOUNDED PRECEDING window function frame bound.

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Represents UNBOUNDED PRECEDING or FOLLOWING window function frame bound. direction specifies whether first or last partition row will be used.

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class Union(firstStatement: AbstractQuery<*>, val secondStatement: AbstractQuery<*>) : SetOperation

Represents an SQL operation that combines all results from two queries, without any duplicates.

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class UnionAll(firstStatement: AbstractQuery<*>, val secondStatement: AbstractQuery<*>) : SetOperation

Represents an SQL operation that combines all results from two queries, with duplicates included.

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class UpperCase<T : String?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<String>

Represents an SQL function that converts expr to upper case.

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open class UserDataHolder

Class for storing transaction data that should remain available to the transaction scope even after the transaction is committed.

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Numeric column for storing unsigned 2-byte integers.

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Binary column for storing UUID.

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open class VarCharColumnType(val colLength: Int = 255, val collate: String? = null) : StringColumnType

Character column for storing strings with the specified maximum colLength using the specified collate type.

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class VarPop<T>(val expression: Expression<T>, scale: Int) : Function<BigDecimal?> , WindowFunction<BigDecimal?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the population variance of the non-null input values (square of the population standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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class VarSamp<T>(val expression: Expression<T>, scale: Int) : Function<BigDecimal?> , WindowFunction<BigDecimal?>

Represents an SQL function that returns the sample variance of the non-null input values (square of the sample standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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sealed interface WindowFrameBound

Represents an SQL window function frame start and end bound.

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Represents window function frame bound direction.

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Represents an SQL window function frame clause

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Represents an SQL window function frame unit (also called mode).

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interface WindowFunction<T>

Interface for functions that can be used as window functions.

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Represents an SQL window function with window definition.

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class XorBitOp<T, S : T>(val expr1: Expression<T>, val expr2: Expression<S>, val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Represents an SQL operator that performs a bitwise or on expr1 and expr2.


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Returns this column's type cast as AutoIncColumnType or null if the cast fails.

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val exposedLogger: Logger

Returns a org.slf4j.Logger named specifically for Exposed log messages.

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Returns true if this is an auto-increment column, false otherwise.

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Returns the most recent QueryAlias instance used to create this join relation, or null if a query was not joined.

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Returns the name of the database obtained from its connection URL.


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Adds one or more SqlLoggers to this transaction.

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fun <T : AbstractQuery<*>> T.alias(alias: String): QueryAlias

Creates a temporary identifier, alias, for this query.

fun <T : Table> T.alias(alias: String): Alias<T>

Creates a temporary identifier, alias, for this table.

Creates a temporary identifier, alias, for this expression.

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fun <T> allFrom(subQuery: AbstractQuery<*>): Op<T>

Returns this subquery wrapped in the ALL operator. This function is not supported by the SQLite dialect.

fun <E, T : List<E>?> allFrom(expression: Expression<T>): Op<E>

Returns this expression wrapped in the ALL operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

fun <T> allFrom(table: Table): Op<T>

Returns this table wrapped in the ALL operator. This function is only supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL, and H2 dialects.

inline fun <T : Any> allFrom(array: Array<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): Op<T>

Returns this array of data wrapped in the ALL operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

inline fun <T : Any> allFrom(array: List<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): Op<T>

Returns this list of data wrapped in the ALL operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

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Returns the result of performing a logical and operation between this expression and the op.

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Mutate Query instance and add andPart to having condition with and operator.

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Returns the result of performing a logical and operation between this expression and the op if op is not null. Otherwise, this expression will be returned.

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Returns the result of performing a logical and operation between this expression and the negate op.

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Mutate Query instance and add andPart to where condition with and operator.

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fun <T> anyFrom(subQuery: AbstractQuery<*>): Op<T>

Returns this subquery wrapped in the ANY operator. This function is not supported by the SQLite dialect.

fun <E, T : List<E>?> anyFrom(expression: Expression<T>): Op<E>

Returns this expression wrapped in the ANY operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

fun <T> anyFrom(table: Table): Op<T>

Returns this table wrapped in the ANY operator. This function is only supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL, and H2 dialects.

inline fun <T : Any> anyFrom(array: Array<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): Op<T>

Returns this array of data wrapped in the ANY operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

inline fun <T : Any> anyFrom(array: List<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): Op<T>

Returns this list of data wrapped in the ANY operator. This function is only supported by PostgreSQL and H2 dialects.

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fun QueryBuilder.append(vararg expr: Any): QueryBuilder

Appends all arguments to this QueryBuilder.

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fun <T> Iterable<T>.appendTo(builder: QueryBuilder, separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", transform: QueryBuilder.(T) -> Unit): QueryBuilder

Appends all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

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inline fun <T : Any> arrayLiteral(value: List<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): LiteralOp<List<T>>

Returns the specified value as an array literal, with elements parsed by the delegateType if provided.

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inline fun <T : Any> arrayParam(value: List<T>, delegateType: ColumnType<T>? = null): Expression<List<T>>

Returns the specified value as an array query parameter, with elements parsed by the delegateType if provided.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<S>.avg(scale: Int = 2): Avg<T, S>

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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fun <T : Table, E> T.batchInsert(data: Iterable<E>, ignore: Boolean = false, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchInsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>
fun <T : Table, E> T.batchInsert(data: Sequence<E>, ignore: Boolean = false, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchInsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>

Represents the SQL statement that batch inserts new rows into a table.

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fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchReplace(data: Iterable<E>, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchReplaceStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>
fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchReplace(data: Sequence<E>, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchReplaceStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>

Represents the SQL statement that either batch inserts new rows into a table, or, if insertions violate unique constraints, first deletes the existing rows before inserting new rows.

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fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchUpsert(data: Iterable<E>, vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: UpsertBuilder.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit? = null, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchUpsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>
fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchUpsert(data: Sequence<E>, vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: UpsertBuilder.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit? = null, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchUpsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>

Represents the SQL statement that either batch inserts new rows into a table, or updates the existing rows if insertions violate unique constraints.

fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchUpsert(data: Iterable<E>, vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: List<Pair<Column<*>, Expression<*>>>, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchUpsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>
fun <T : Table, E : Any> T.batchUpsert(data: Sequence<E>, vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: List<Pair<Column<*>, Expression<*>>>, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true, body: BatchUpsertStatement.(E) -> Unit): List<ResultRow>
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fun blobParam(value: ExposedBlob, useObjectIdentifier: Boolean = false): Expression<ExposedBlob>

Returns the specified value as a blob query parameter.

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Returns the specified value as a boolean literal.

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Returns the specified value as a boolean query parameter.

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Returns the specified value as a byte literal.

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Returns the specified value as a byte query parameter.

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Specifies a conversion from one data type to another.

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Returns the length of this string expression, measured in characters, or null if this expression is null.

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Reduces this list to a single expression by performing an and operation between all the expressions in the list.

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Reduces this list to a single expression by performing an or operation between all the expressions in the list.

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Returns the number of input rows for which the value of this expression is not null.

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Returns the number of distinct input rows for which the value of this expression is not null.

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fun <C1 : ColumnSet, C2 : ColumnSet> C1.crossJoin(otherTable: C2, onColumn: C1.() -> Expression<*>? = null, otherColumn: C2.() -> Expression<*>? = null, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Join

Creates a cross join relation with otherTable using onColumn and otherColumn equality and/or additionalConstraint as the join condition.

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fun CustomLongFunction(functionName: String, vararg params: Expression<*>): CustomFunction<Long?>

Calls a custom SQL function with the specified functionName, that returns a long, and passing params as its arguments.

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fun CustomStringFunction(functionName: String, vararg params: Expression<*>): CustomFunction<String?>

Calls a custom SQL function with the specified functionName, that returns a string, and passing params as its arguments.

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Returns the specified value as a decimal literal.

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Returns the specified value as a decimal query parameter.

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fun Join.delete(targetTable: Table, vararg targetTables: Table, ignore: Boolean = false, limit: Int? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Int

Represents the SQL statement that deletes rows from a table in a join relation.

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Represents the SQL statement that deletes all rows in a table.

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fun <T : Table> T.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit: Int? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int

Represents the SQL statement that deletes only rows in a table that match the provided op, while ignoring any possible errors that occur during the process.

fun <T : Table> T.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit: Int? = null, offset: Long? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int
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fun <T : Table> T.deleteReturning(returning: List<Expression<*>> = columns, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): ReturningStatement

Represents the SQL statement that deletes rows in a table and returns specified data from the deleted rows.

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fun <T : Table> T.deleteWhere(limit: Int? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int

Represents the SQL statement that deletes only rows in a table that match the provided op.

fun <T : Table> T.deleteWhere(limit: Int? = null, offset: Long? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int
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Returns the specified value as a double literal.

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Returns the specified value as a double query parameter.

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Returns only distinct results from this query that are NOT common to the results of other.

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fun exists(query: AbstractQuery<*>): Exists

Returns an SQL operator that checks if query returns at least one row.

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Returns whether this table exists in the database.

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fun Transaction.explain(analyze: Boolean = false, options: String? = null, body: Transaction.() -> Any?): ExplainQuery

Creates an ExplainQuery using the EXPLAIN keyword, which obtains information about a statement execution plan.

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Returns the specified value as a float literal.

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Returns the specified value as a float query parameter.

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fun <C1 : ColumnSet, C2 : ColumnSet> C1.fullJoin(otherTable: C2, onColumn: C1.() -> Expression<*>? = null, otherColumn: C2.() -> Expression<*>? = null, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Join

Creates a full outer join relation with otherTable using onColumn and otherColumn equality and/or additionalConstraint as the join condition.

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Calls a custom SQL function with the specified functionName and passes this expression as its only argument.

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infix operator fun <E, T : List<E>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.get(index: Int): ArrayGet<E, T>

Returns the array element stored at the one-based index position, or null if the stored array itself is null.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.groupConcat(separator: String? = null, distinct: Boolean = false, orderBy: Array<Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>> = emptyArray()): GroupConcat<T>
fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.groupConcat(separator: String? = null, distinct: Boolean = false, orderBy: Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>): GroupConcat<T>

Concatenates all non-null input values of each group from this string expression, separated by separator.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> idParam(value: EntityID<T>, column: Column<EntityID<T>>): Expression<EntityID<T>>

Returns the specified value as a query parameter with the same type as column.

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fun <C1 : ColumnSet, C2 : ColumnSet> C1.innerJoin(otherTable: C2, onColumn: C1.() -> Expression<*>? = null, otherColumn: C2.() -> Expression<*>? = null, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Join

Creates an inner join relation with otherTable using onColumn and otherColumn equality and/or additionalConstraint as the join condition.

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Represents the SQL statement that inserts a new row into a table.

fun <T : Table> T.insert(selectQuery: AbstractQuery<*>, columns: List<Column<*>> = this.columns.filter { it.isValidIfAutoIncrement() }): Int?

Represents the SQL statement that uses data retrieved from a selectQuery to insert new rows into a table.

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Represents the SQL statement that inserts a new row into a table.

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Represents the SQL statement that inserts a new row into a table, while ignoring any possible errors that occur during the process.

fun <T : Table> T.insertIgnore(selectQuery: AbstractQuery<*>, columns: List<Column<*>> = this.columns.filter { it.isValidIfAutoIncrement() }): Int?

Represents the SQL statement that uses data retrieved from a selectQuery to insert new rows into a table, while ignoring any possible errors that occur during the process.

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Represents the SQL statement that inserts a new row into a table, while ignoring any possible errors that occur during the process.

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fun <T : Table> T.insertReturning(returning: List<Expression<*>> = columns, ignoreErrors: Boolean = false, body: T.(InsertStatement<Number>) -> Unit): ReturningStatement

Represents the SQL statement that inserts new rows into a table and returns specified data from the inserted rows.

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Returns only results from this query that are common to the results of other, WITHOUT including any duplicates.

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fun intLiteral(value: Int): LiteralOp<Int>

Returns the specified value as an int literal.

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fun intParam(value: Int): Expression<Int>

Returns the specified value as an int query parameter.

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fun Join.joinQuery(on: SqlExpressionBuilder.(QueryAlias) -> Op<Boolean>? = null, joinType: JoinType = JoinType.INNER, lateral: Boolean = false, joinPart: () -> AbstractQuery<*>): Join

Creates a join relation with a query.

fun Table.joinQuery(on: SqlExpressionBuilder.(QueryAlias) -> Op<Boolean>? = null, joinType: JoinType = JoinType.INNER, lateral: Boolean = false, joinPart: () -> AbstractQuery<*>): Join

Creates a join relation between this table and a query.

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fun <C1 : ColumnSet, C2 : ColumnSet> C1.leftJoin(otherTable: C2, onColumn: C1.() -> Expression<*>? = null, otherColumn: C2.() -> Expression<*>? = null, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Join

Creates a left outer join relation with otherTable using onColumn and otherColumn equality and/or additionalConstraint as the join condition.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.locate(substring: String): Locate<T>

Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in this string expression or 0 if it doesn't contain substring

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Returns the specified value as a long literal.

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Returns the specified value as a long query parameter.

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Converts this string expression to lower case.

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infix fun <T, R> SizedIterable<T>.mapLazy(f: (T) -> R): SizedIterable<R>

Returns a SizedIterable containing the lazily evaluated results of applying the function f to each original element.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.max(): Max<T, S>

Returns the maximum value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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fun <D : Table, S : Table> D.mergeFrom(source: S, on: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: MergeTableStatement.() -> Unit): MergeTableStatement

Performs an SQL MERGE operation to insert, update, or delete records in the target table based on a comparison with a source table.

Performs an SQL MERGE operation to insert, update, or delete records in the target table based on a comparison with a select query source.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.min(): Min<T, S>

Returns the minimum value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Advances this sequence and returns the new value.

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Advances this sequence and returns the new value.

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Returns the inverse of this boolean expression.

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Returns an SQL operator that checks if query doesn't returns any row.

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Returns the result of performing a logical or operation between this expression and the op.

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Mutate Query instance and add orPart to having condition with or operator.

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Returns the result of performing a logical or operation between this expression and the op if op is not null. Otherwise, this expression will be returned.

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Returns the result of performing a logical or operation between this expression and the negate op.

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Mutate Query instance and add orPart to where condition with or operator.

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Represents the SQL statement that either inserts a new row into a table, or, if insertion would violate a unique constraint, first deletes the existing row before inserting a new row.

fun <T : Table> T.replace(selectQuery: AbstractQuery<*>, columns: List<Column<*>> = this.columns.filter { it.isValidIfAutoIncrement() }): Int?

Represents the SQL statement that uses data retrieved from a selectQuery to either insert a new row into a table, or, if insertion would violate a unique constraint, first delete the existing row before inserting a new row.

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fun <T : Any> resolveColumnType(klass: KClass<T>, defaultType: ColumnType<*>? = null): ColumnType<T>

Returns the ColumnType commonly associated with storing values of type T, or the defaultType if a mapping does not exist for type T.

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fun <C1 : ColumnSet, C2 : ColumnSet> C1.rightJoin(otherTable: C2, onColumn: C1.() -> Expression<*>? = null, otherColumn: C2.() -> Expression<*>? = null, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null): Join

Creates a right outer join relation with otherTable using onColumn and otherColumn equality and/or additionalConstraint as the join condition.

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inline fun SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>): Query
inline fun SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>): Query
fun Op<Boolean>): Query
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Creates a SELECT Query by selecting all columns from this ColumnSet.

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Returns the specified value as a short literal.

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Returns the specified value as a short query parameter.

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fun <E, T : List<E>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.slice(lower: Int? = null, upper: Int? = null): ArraySlice<E, T>

Returns a subarray of elements stored from between lower and upper bounds (inclusive), or null if the stored array itself is null. Note If either bounds is left null, the database will use the stored array's respective lower or upper limit.

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Returns the population standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the sample standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the specified value as a string literal.

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Returns the specified value as a string query parameter.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.substring(start: Int, length: Int): Substring<T>

Extract a substring from this string expression that begins at the specified start and with the specified length.

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Returns the sum of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the list of tables to which the columns in this column set belong.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.trim(): Trim<T>

Removes the longest string containing only spaces from both ends of string expression.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned byte literal.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned byte query parameter.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned int literal.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned int query parameter.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned long literal.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned long query parameter.

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fun AbstractQuery<*>.union(other: Query): Union

Combines all results from this query with the results of other, WITHOUT including duplicates.

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Combines all results from this query with the results of other, WITH duplicates included.

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fun <T : Table> T.update(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, limit: Int? = null, body: T.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit): Int

Represents the SQL statement that updates rows of a table.

fun Join.update(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, limit: Int? = null, body: (UpdateStatement) -> Unit): Int

Represents the SQL statement that updates rows of a join relation.

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fun <T : Table> T.updateReturning(returning: List<Expression<*>> = columns, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: T.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit): ReturningStatement

Represents the SQL statement that updates rows of a table and returns specified data from the updated rows.

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Converts this string expression to upper case.

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fun <T : Table> T.upsert(vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: UpsertBuilder.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit? = null, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Long>) -> Unit): UpsertStatement<Long>

Represents the SQL statement that either inserts a new row into a table, or updates the existing row if insertion would violate a unique constraint.

fun <T : Table> T.upsert(vararg keys: Column<*>, onUpdate: List<Pair<Column<*>, Expression<*>>>, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Long>) -> Unit): UpsertStatement<Long>
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fun <T : Table> T.upsertReturning(vararg keys: Column<*>, returning: List<Expression<*>> = columns, onUpdate: UpsertBuilder.(UpdateStatement) -> Unit? = null, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Long>) -> Unit): ReturningStatement

Represents the SQL statement that either inserts a new row into a table, or updates the existing row if insertion would violate a unique constraint, and also returns specified data from the modified rows.

fun <T : Table> T.upsertReturning(vararg keys: Column<*>, returning: List<Expression<*>> = columns, onUpdate: List<Pair<Column<*>, Expression<*>>>, onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>? = null, where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Long>) -> Unit): ReturningStatement
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Returns the specified value as a unsigned short literal.

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Returns the specified value as a unsigned short query parameter.

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Returns the population variance of the non-null input values (square of the population standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the sample variance of the non-null input values (square of the sample standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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Wraps a query as an Expression so that it can be used as part of an SQL statement or in another query clause.