
class SizedCollection<out T>(val delegate: Collection<T>) : SizedIterable<T>

Represents a SizedIterable that defers to the specified delegate collection.


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constructor(vararg values: T)
constructor(delegate: Collection<T>)


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fun <T> Iterable<T>.appendTo(builder: QueryBuilder, separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", transform: QueryBuilder.(T) -> Unit): QueryBuilder

Appends all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

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open override fun copy(): SizedIterable<T>

Returns a new SizedIterable that is a copy of the original.

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open override fun count(): Long

Returns the number of elements stored.

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open override fun empty(): Boolean

Whether there are no elements stored.

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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in T>)
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open fun forUpdate(option: ForUpdateOption = ForUpdateOption.ForUpdate): SizedIterable<T>

Returns a new SizedIterable with a locking read for the elements according to the rules specified by option.

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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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open override fun limit(count: Int): SizedIterable<T>

Returns a new SizedIterable containing only count elements.

open override fun limit(n: Int, offset: Long): SizedIterable<T>
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infix fun <T, R> SizedIterable<T>.mapLazy(f: (T) -> R): SizedIterable<R>

Returns a SizedIterable containing the lazily evaluated results of applying the function f to each original element.

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Returns a new SizedIterable without any locking read for the elements.

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open override fun offset(start: Long): SizedIterable<T>

Returns a new SizedIterable containing only elements starting from the specified start.

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open override fun orderBy(vararg order: Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>): SizedIterable<T>

Returns a new SizedIterable with the elements sorted according to the specified expression order.

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