
class QueryBuilder(val prepared: Boolean)

An object to which SQL expressions and values can be appended.


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constructor(prepared: Boolean)


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Returns the list of arguments used in this query.

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Whether the query is parameterized or not.


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fun append(value: Char): QueryBuilder

Appends the specified value to this QueryBuilder.

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fun QueryBuilder.append(vararg expr: Any): QueryBuilder

Appends all arguments to this QueryBuilder.

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fun <T> Array<T>.appendTo(separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", transform: QueryBuilder.(T) -> Unit)
fun <T> Iterable<T>.appendTo(separator: CharSequence = ", ", prefix: CharSequence = "", postfix: CharSequence = "", transform: QueryBuilder.(T) -> Unit)

Appends all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

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operator fun invoke(body: QueryBuilder.() -> Unit)
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fun <T> registerArgument(column: Column<*>, argument: T)

Adds the specified argument as a value of the specified column.

fun <T> registerArgument(sqlType: IColumnType<*>, argument: T)

Adds the specified argument as a value of the specified sqlType.

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fun <T> registerArguments(sqlType: IColumnType<*>, arguments: Iterable<T>)

Adds the specified sequence of arguments as values of the specified sqlType.

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open override fun toString(): String
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operator fun Char.unaryPlus(): QueryBuilder

Appends the receiver Char to this QueryBuilder.

operator fun String.unaryPlus(): QueryBuilder

Appends the receiver String to this QueryBuilder.

operator fun Expression<*>.unaryPlus(): QueryBuilder

Appends the receiver Expression to this QueryBuilder.