
Represents a wrapper for a database connection.


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abstract var autoCommit: Boolean

Whether the connection is in auto-commit mode.

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abstract var catalog: String

The name of the connection's catalog.

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The underlying database connection object contained by this wrapper.

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abstract val isClosed: Boolean

Whether the connection has been closed.

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abstract var readOnly: Boolean

Whether the connection is in read-only mode.

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abstract var schema: String

The name of the connection's schema.

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The transaction isolation level of the connection.


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abstract fun close()

Closes the connection and releases any of its database and/or driver resources.

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abstract fun commit()

Saves all changes since the last commit or rollback operation.

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abstract fun executeInBatch(sqls: List<String>)

Sends a collection of SQL strings to the database for execution as a batch statement.

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abstract fun <T> metadata(body: ExposedDatabaseMetadata.() -> T): T

Calls the specified function body with an ExposedDatabaseMetadata implementation as its receiver and returns the retrieved metadata as a result.

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abstract fun prepareStatement(sql: String, returnKeys: Boolean): PreparedStatementApi

Returns a precompiled sql statement stored as a PreparedStatementApi implementation.

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abstract fun releaseSavepoint(savepoint: ExposedSavepoint)

Removes the specified savepoint.

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abstract fun rollback()

Reverts all changes since the last commit or rollback operation.

abstract fun rollback(savepoint: ExposedSavepoint)

Reverts all changes since the specified savepoint was set.

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abstract fun setSavepoint(name: String): ExposedSavepoint

Sets and returns a new savepoint with the specified name.