
Represents a precompiled SQL statement.


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abstract var fetchSize: Int?

The number of result set rows that should be fetched when generated by an executed statement.

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abstract val resultSet: ResultSet?

The ResultSet object generated by the executed statement, or null if none was retrieved.

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abstract var timeout: Int?

The number of seconds the JDBC driver will wait for a statement to execute.


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abstract fun addBatch()

Adds parameters to the statement's batch of SQL commands.

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abstract fun cancel()

Cancels the statement, if supported by the database.

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abstract fun closeIfPossible()

Closes the statement, if still open, and releases any of its database and/or driver resources.

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abstract fun executeBatch(): List<Int>

Executes batched SQL statements stored as a PreparedStatement.

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Executes multiple SQL statements stored in a single PreparedStatement.

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abstract fun executeQuery(): ResultSet

Executes an SQL query stored in a PreparedStatement.

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abstract fun executeUpdate(): Int

Executes an SQL statement stored in a PreparedStatement.

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open fun fillParameters(args: Iterable<Pair<IColumnType<*>, Any?>>): Int

Sets the value for each column or expression in args into the appropriate statement parameter and returns the number of parameters filled.

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abstract operator fun set(index: Int, value: Any)
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abstract fun setArray(index: Int, type: String, array: Array<*>)

Sets the statement parameter at the index position to the provided array of SQL type.

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abstract fun setInputStream(index: Int, inputStream: InputStream, setAsBlobObject: Boolean)

Sets the statement parameter at the index position to the provided inputStream, either directly as a BLOB if setAsBlobObject is true or as determined by the driver.

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abstract fun setNull(index: Int, columnType: IColumnType<*>)

Sets the statement parameter at the index position to SQL NULL, if allowed wih the specified columnType.