
open class Table(name: String = "") : ColumnSet, DdlAware

Base class for any simple table.

If you want to reference your table use IdTable instead.



Table name, by default name will be resolved from a class name with "Table" suffix removed (if present)



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constructor(name: String = "")


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object Dual : Table

Represents a special dummy DUAL table that is accessible by all users.

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inner class PrimaryKey(val columns: Array<Column<*>>, name: String? = null)

Represents a primary key composed by the specified columns, and with the specified name. If no name is specified, the table name with the "pk_" prefix will be used instead.


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Returns the first auto-increment column on the table.

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open override val columns: List<Column<*>>

Returns all the columns defined on the table.

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open val ddl: List<String>

Returns the list of DDL statements that create this DdlAware instance.

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open override val fields: List<Expression<*>>

Returns the field of this field set.

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Returns all foreign key constraints declared on the table.

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Returns all indices declared on the table.

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open val primaryKey: Table.PrimaryKey? = null

Returns the primary key of the table if present, null otherwise.

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open val realFields: List<Expression<*>>

Returns all real fields, unrolling composite CompositeColumn if present

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Returns the schema name, or null if one does not exist for this table.

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Returns all sequences declared on the table, along with any auto-generated sequences that are not explicitly declared by the user but associated with the table.

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open override val source: ColumnSet

Return the column set that contains this field set.

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open val tableName: String

Returns the table name.


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inline fun <E : Any> array(name: String, maximumCardinality: Int? = null): Column<List<E>>

Creates an array column, with the specified name, for storing elements of a List.

fun <E> array(name: String, columnType: ColumnType<E & Any>, maximumCardinality: Int? = null): Column<List<E>>

Creates an array column, with the specified name, for storing elements of a List using a base columnType.

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UUID column will auto generate its value on a client side just before an insert.

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fun <N : Comparable<N>> Column<EntityID<N>>.autoinc(idSeqName: String? = null): Column<EntityID<N>>

Make @receiver column an auto-increment column to generate its values in a database. Note: Only integer and long columns are supported (signed and unsigned types). Some databases, like PostgreSQL, support auto-increment via sequences. In this case a name should be provided using the idSeqName param and Exposed will create a sequence. If a sequence already exists in the database just use its name in idSeqName.

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fun <N : Any> Column<N>.autoIncrement(idSeqName: String? = null): Column<N>

Make @receiver column an auto-increment column to generate its values in a database. Note: Only integer and long columns are supported (signed and unsigned types). Some databases, like PostgreSQL, support auto-increment via sequences. In this case a name should be provided using the idSeqName param and Exposed will create a sequence. If a sequence already exists in the database just use its name in idSeqName.

fun <N : Any> Column<N>.autoIncrement(sequence: Sequence): Column<N>

Make @receiver column an auto-increment column to generate its values in a database. Note: Only integer and long columns are supported (signed and unsigned types). Some databases, like PostgreSQL, support auto-increment via sequences. In this case, a sequence should be provided using the sequence param.

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Creates a binary column, with the specified name, for storing byte arrays of arbitrary size.

fun binary(name: String, length: Int): Column<ByteArray>

Creates a binary column, with the specified name, for storing byte arrays with the specified maximum length.

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fun blob(name: String, useObjectIdentifier: Boolean = false): Column<ExposedBlob>

Creates a binary column, with the specified name, for storing BLOBs. If useObjectIdentifier is true, then the column will use the OID type on PostgreSQL for storing large binary objects. The parameter must not be true for other databases.

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fun bool(name: String): Column<Boolean>

Creates a column, with the specified name, for storing boolean values.

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fun byte(name: String): Column<Byte>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 1-byte integers.

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fun char(name: String): Column<Char>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing single characters.

fun char(name: String, length: Int, collate: String? = null): Column<String>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing strings with the specified length using the specified text collate type. If no collate type is specified then the database default is used.

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fun check(name: String = "", op: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>)

Creates a check constraint in this table.

fun <T> Column<T>.check(name: String = "", op: SqlExpressionBuilder.(Column<T>) -> Op<Boolean>): Column<T>

Creates a check constraint in this column.

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fun <T> Column<T>.clientDefault(defaultValue: () -> T): Column<T>

Sets the default value for this column in the client side.

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open override fun createStatement(): List<String>

Returns the list of DDL statements that create this object.

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open infix override fun crossJoin(otherTable: ColumnSet): Join

Creates a cross join relation with otherTable.

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fun <T : Enum<T>> customEnumeration(name: String, sql: String? = null, fromDb: (Any) -> T, toDb: (T) -> Any): Column<T>

Creates an enumeration column, with the custom SQL type sql, for storing enums of type T using this database-specific type.

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Marks a column as databaseGenerated if the default value of the column is not known at the time of table creation and/or if it depends on other columns. It makes it possible to omit setting it when inserting a new record, without getting an error. The value for the column can be set by creating a TRIGGER or with a DEFAULT clause or by using GENERATED ALWAYS AS via Column.withDefinition, for example.

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fun decimal(name: String, precision: Int, scale: Int): Column<BigDecimal>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing numbers with the specified precision and scale.

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fun <T> Column<T>.default(defaultValue: T): Column<T>
fun <T> CompositeColumn<T>.default(defaultValue: T): CompositeColumn<T>

Sets the default value for this column in the database side.

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fun <T> Column<T>.defaultExpression(defaultValue: Expression<T>): Column<T>

Sets the default value for this column in the database side.

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Represents the SQL statement that deletes all rows in a table.

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open override fun describe(s: Transaction, queryBuilder: QueryBuilder)

Appends the SQL representation of this column set to the specified queryBuilder.

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fun double(name: String): Column<Double>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 8-byte (double precision) floating-point numbers.

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open override fun dropStatement(): List<String>

Returns the list of DDL statements that drops this object.

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Converts the @receiver column to an EntityID column.

fun <ID : Comparable<ID>> entityId(name: String, table: IdTable<ID>): Column<EntityID<ID>>

Creates an EntityID column, with the specified name, for storing the identifier of the specified table.

fun <ID : Comparable<ID>> entityId(name: String, originalColumn: Column<ID>): Column<EntityID<ID>>

Creates an EntityID column, with the specified name, for storing the same objects as the specified originalColumn.

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inline fun <T : Enum<T>> enumeration(name: String): Column<T>

Creates an enumeration column, with the specified name, for storing enums of type T by their ordinal.

fun <T : Enum<T>> enumeration(name: String, klass: KClass<T>): Column<T>

Creates an enumeration column, with the specified name, for storing enums of type klass by their ordinal.

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inline fun <T : Enum<T>> enumerationByName(name: String, length: Int): Column<T>

Creates an enumeration column, with the specified name, for storing enums of type T by their name. With the specified maximum length for each name value.

fun <T : Enum<T>> enumerationByName(name: String, length: Int, klass: KClass<T>): Column<T>

Creates an enumeration column, with the specified name, for storing enums of type klass by their name. With the specified maximum length for each name value.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Returns whether this table exists in the database.

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fun float(name: String): Column<Float>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 4-byte (single precision) floating-point numbers.

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fun foreignKey(vararg references: Pair<Column<*>, Column<*>>, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, name: String? = null)
fun foreignKey(vararg from: Column<*>, target: Table.PrimaryKey, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, name: String? = null)

Creates a composite foreign key.

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open infix override fun fullJoin(otherTable: ColumnSet): Join

Creates a full outer join relation with otherTable.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun index(isUnique: Boolean = false, vararg columns: Column<*>)
fun index(customIndexName: String? = null, isUnique: Boolean = false, vararg columns: Column<*>, functions: List<ExpressionWithColumnType<*>>? = null, indexType: String? = null, filterCondition: FilterCondition = null)

Creates an index.

fun <T> Column<T>.index(customIndexName: String? = null, isUnique: Boolean = false): Column<T>

Creates an index composed by this column only.

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open infix override fun innerJoin(otherTable: ColumnSet): Join

Creates an inner join relation with otherTable.

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fun integer(name: String): Column<Int>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 4-byte integers.

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open override fun join(otherTable: ColumnSet, joinType: JoinType, onColumn: Expression<*>?, otherColumn: Expression<*>?, lateral: Boolean, additionalConstraint: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op<Boolean>?): Join

Creates a join relation with otherTable. When all joining options are absent Exposed will try to resolve referencing columns by itself.

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fun Table.joinQuery(on: SqlExpressionBuilder.(QueryAlias) -> Op<Boolean>? = null, joinType: JoinType = JoinType.INNER, lateral: Boolean = false, joinPart: () -> AbstractQuery<*>): Join

Creates a join relation between this table and a query.

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fun largeText(name: String, collate: String? = null, eagerLoading: Boolean = false): Column<String>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing strings of large length using the specified collate type. If no collated type is specified, then the database default is used.

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open infix override fun leftJoin(otherTable: ColumnSet): Join

Creates a left outer join relation with otherTable.

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fun long(name: String): Column<Long>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 8-byte integers.

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fun mediumText(name: String, collate: String? = null, eagerLoading: Boolean = false): Column<String>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing strings of medium length using the specified collate type. If no collated type is specified, then the database default is used.

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open override fun modifyStatement(): List<String>

Returns the list of DDL statements that modify this object.

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Returns the table name in proper case. Should be called within transaction or default tableName will be returned.

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Returns the table name, without schema and in proper case, with wrapping single- and double-quotation characters removed.

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Marks this CompositeColumn as nullable.

fun <T : Any> Column<T>.nullable(): Column<T?>

Marks this column as nullable.

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@JvmName(name = "nullTransform")
fun <Unwrapped : Any, Wrapped : Any> Column<Unwrapped>.nullTransform(wrap: (Unwrapped) -> Wrapped?, unwrap: (Wrapped?) -> Unwrapped): Column<Wrapped?>

Applies a special transformation that allows a non-nullable database column to accept and/or return values as null on the client side.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> optReference(name: String, foreign: IdTable<T>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<EntityID<T>?>

Creates a column with the specified name with an optional reference to the id column in foreign table with onDelete, onUpdate, and fkName options. onDelete and onUpdate options describe the behavior for how links between tables will be checked when deleting or changing corresponding columns' values. Such a relationship will be represented as a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table creation.

fun <T : Comparable<T>> optReference(name: String, refColumn: Column<T>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<T?>
@JvmName(name = "optReferenceByIdColumn")
fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>> optReference(name: String, refColumn: Column<E>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<E?>

Creates a column with the specified name with an optional reference to the refColumn column with onDelete, onUpdate, and fkName options. onDelete and onUpdate options describe the behavior for how links between tables will be checked when deleting or changing corresponding columns' values. Such a relationship will be represented as a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table creation.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>> reference(name: String, foreign: IdTable<T>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<EntityID<T>>

Creates a column with the specified name with a reference to the id column in foreign table and with onDelete, onUpdate, and fkName options. onDelete and onUpdate options describe the behavior for how links between tables will be checked when deleting or changing corresponding columns' values. Such a relationship will be represented as a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table creation.

fun <T : Comparable<T>> reference(name: String, refColumn: Column<T>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<T>
@JvmName(name = "referenceByIdColumn")
fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>> reference(name: String, refColumn: Column<E>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): Column<E>

Creates a column with the specified name with a reference to the refColumn column and with onDelete, onUpdate, and fkName options. onDelete and onUpdate options describe the behavior for how links between tables will be checked when deleting or changing corresponding columns' values. Such a relationship will be represented as a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table creation.

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infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T, C : Column<S>> C.references(ref: Column<T>): C

Creates a reference from this @receiver column to a ref column.

fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T, C : Column<S>> C.references(ref: Column<T>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): C
@JvmName(name = "referencesById")
fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T, C : Column<S>> C.references(ref: Column<EntityID<T>>, onDelete: ReferenceOption? = null, onUpdate: ReferenceOption? = null, fkName: String? = null): C

Creates a reference from this @receiver column to a ref column with onDelete, onUpdate, and fkName options. onDelete and onUpdate options describe the behavior for how links between tables will be checked when deleting or changing corresponding columns' values. Such a relationship will be represented as a FOREIGN KEY constraint on table creation.

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fun <T> registerColumn(name: String, type: IColumnType<T & Any>): Column<T>

Adds a column of the specified type and with the specified name to the table.

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Adds all wrapped column components of a CompositeColumn to the table.

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fun <TColumn : Column<*>> replaceColumn(oldColumn: Column<*>, newColumn: TColumn): TColumn

Replaces the specified oldColumn with the specified newColumn in the table. Mostly used internally by the library.

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open infix override fun rightJoin(otherTable: ColumnSet): Join

Creates a right outer join relation with otherTable.

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fun select(columns: List<Expression<*>>): Query

Creates a SELECT Query using a list of columns or expressions from this ColumnSet.

fun select(column: Expression<*>, vararg columns: Expression<*>): Query

Creates a SELECT Query by selecting either a single column, or a subset of columns, from this ColumnSet.

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Creates a SELECT Query by selecting all columns from this ColumnSet.

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fun short(name: String): Column<Short>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 2-byte integers.

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fun slice(columns: List<Expression<*>>): FieldSet
fun slice(column: Expression<*>, vararg columns: Expression<*>): FieldSet
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Returns the list of tables to which the columns in this column set belong.

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fun text(name: String, collate: String? = null, eagerLoading: Boolean = false): Column<String>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing strings of arbitrary length using the specified collate type. If no collated type is specified, then the database default is used.

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@JvmName(name = "transformNullable")
fun <Unwrapped : Any, Wrapped : Any> Column<Unwrapped?>.transform(transformer: ColumnTransformer<Unwrapped?, Wrapped?>): Column<Wrapped?>

Transforms a nullable column by specifying a transformer.

Transforms a column by specifying a transformer.

@JvmName(name = "transformNullable")
fun <Unwrapped : Any, Wrapped : Any> Column<Unwrapped?>.transform(wrap: (Unwrapped?) -> Wrapped?, unwrap: (Wrapped?) -> Unwrapped?): Column<Wrapped?>

Transforms a nullable column by specifying transformation functions.

Transforms a column by specifying transformation functions.

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fun ubyte(name: String): Column<UByte>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 1-byte unsigned integers.

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fun uinteger(name: String): Column<UInt>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 4-byte unsigned integers.

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fun ulong(name: String): Column<ULong>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 8-byte unsigned integers.

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fun <T> Column<T>.uniqueIndex(customIndexName: String? = null): Column<T>

Creates a unique index composed by this column only.

fun uniqueIndex(vararg columns: Column<*>, filterCondition: FilterCondition = null)
fun uniqueIndex(customIndexName: String? = null, vararg columns: Column<*>, functions: List<ExpressionWithColumnType<*>>? = null, filterCondition: FilterCondition = null)

Creates a unique index.

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fun ushort(name: String): Column<UShort>

Creates a numeric column, with the specified name, for storing 2-byte unsigned integers.

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fun uuid(name: String): Column<UUID>

Creates a binary column, with the specified name, for storing UUIDs.

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fun varchar(name: String, length: Int, collate: String? = null): Column<String>

Creates a character column, with the specified name, for storing strings with the specified maximum length using the specified text collate type. If no collate type is specified then the database default is used.

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fun <T> Column<T>.withDefinition(vararg definition: Any): Column<T>

Appends a database-specific column definition to this column's SQL in a CREATE TABLE statement.