
Class representing a unit block of work that is performed on a database.


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constructor(transactionImpl: TransactionInterface)


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object Companion


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open override val connection: ExposedConnection<*>

The database connection used by the transaction.

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The currently executing statement.

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override val db: Database

The database on which the transaction tasks are performed.

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Whether tracked values like statementCount and duration should be stored in statementStats for debugging.

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The current total amount of time, in milliseconds, spent executing statements in this transaction.

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val id: String

The unique ID for this transaction.

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The maximum amount of attempts that will be made to perform this transaction block.

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The maximum number of milliseconds to wait before retrying this transaction if an SQLException happens.

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The minimum number of milliseconds to wait before retrying this transaction if an SQLException happens.

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open override val outerTransaction: Transaction?

The parent transaction of a nested transaction; otherwise, null if the transaction is a top-level instance.

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The number of seconds the JDBC driver should wait for a statement to execute in Transaction transaction before timing out. Note Not all JDBC drivers implement this limit. Please check the driver documentation.

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open override val readOnly: Boolean

Whether the transaction is in read-only mode.

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The current number of statements executed in this transaction.

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A StringBuilder containing string representations of previously executed statements prefixed by their execution time in milliseconds.

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A mapping of previously executed statements in this transaction, with a string representation of the prepared statement as the key and the statement count to execution time as the value.

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open override val transactionIsolation: Int

The transaction isolation level of the transaction, which may differ from the set database level.

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The threshold in milliseconds for query execution to exceed before logging a warning.


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Adds one or more SqlLoggers to this transaction.

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open override fun close()

Closes the transaction and releases any savepoints.

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Closes all previously executed statements and resets or releases any used database and/or driver resources.

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open override fun commit()

Saves all changes since the last commit or rollback operation.

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fun <T> exec(stmt: Statement<T>): T?

Executes the provided Statement object and returns the generated value.

fun <T, R> exec(stmt: Statement<T>, body: Statement<T>.(T) -> R): R?

Executes the provided Statement object, retrieves the generated value, then calls the specified function body with this generated value as its argument and returns its result.

fun exec(stmt: String, args: Iterable<Pair<IColumnType<*>, Any?>> = emptyList(), explicitStatementType: StatementType? = null): Unit?
fun <T : Any> exec(stmt: String, args: Iterable<Pair<IColumnType<*>, Any?>> = emptyList(), explicitStatementType: StatementType? = null, transform: (ResultSet) -> T?): T?

Executes the provided statement exactly, using the supplied args to set values to question mark placeholders (if applicable).

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fun execInBatch(stmts: List<String>)

Provided statements will be executed in a batch. Select statements are not supported as it's impossible to return multiple results.

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fun Transaction.explain(analyze: Boolean = false, options: String? = null, body: Transaction.() -> Any?): ExplainQuery

Creates an ExplainQuery using the EXPLAIN keyword, which obtains information about a statement execution plan.

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fun fullIdentity(column: Column<*>): String

Returns the complete string identifier of a column, based on its Table.tableName and

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fun <T : Any> getOrCreate(key: Key<T>, init: () -> T): T

Returns the value for the specified key. If the key is not found, the init function is called, then its result is mapped to the key and returned.

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fun <T : Any> getUserData(key: Key<T>): T?

Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, as a value of type T.

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fun identity(column: Column<*>): String

Returns the string identifier of a column, based on its

fun identity(table: Table): String

Returns the string identifier of a table, based on its Table.tableName and Table.alias, if applicable.

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fun <T : Any> putUserData(key: Key<T>, value: T)

Maps the specified key to the specified value.

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Adds the specified StatementInterceptor to act on this transaction.

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fun <T : Any> removeUserData(key: Key<T>): Any?

Removes the specified key and its corresponding value.

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open override fun rollback()

Reverts all changes since the last commit or rollback operation, or to the last set savepoint, if applicable.

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Removes the specified StatementInterceptor from acting on this transaction.

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fun <T> Transaction.withDataBaseLock(body: () -> T)

Creates table with name "busy" (if not present) and single column to be used as "synchronization" point. Table wont be dropped after execution.

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suspend fun <T> Transaction.withSuspendTransaction(context: CoroutineContext? = null, statement: suspend Transaction.() -> T): T

Calls the specified suspending statement, suspends until it completes, and returns the result.