
inline fun <T : Table> T.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit: Int? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int

Represents the SQL statement that deletes only rows in a table that match the provided op, while ignoring any possible errors that occur during the process.

Note: DELETE IGNORE is not supported by all vendors. Please check the documentation.


Count of deleted rows.



Maximum number of rows to delete.


Condition that determines which rows to delete.

fun <T : Table> T.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit: Int? = null, offset: Long? = null, op: T.(ISqlExpressionBuilder) -> Op<Boolean>): Int


This `offset` parameter is not being used and will be removed in future releases. Please leave a comment on [YouTrack]( with a use-case if your database supports the OFFSET clause in a DELETE statement.

Replace with

deleteIgnoreWhere(limit) { op.invoke() }