Represents the SQL statement that updates rows of a table and returns specified data from the updated rows.
A ReturningStatement that will be executed once iterated over, providing ResultRows containing the specified expressions mapped to their resulting data.
Columns and expressions to include in the returned data. This defaults to all columns in the table.
Condition that determines which rows to update.
org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.tests.shared.dml.ReturningTests.testUpdateReturningRepresents the SQL statement that updates all rows of a table and returns specified data from the updated rows.
A ReturningStatement that will be executed once iterated over, providing ResultRows containing the specified expressions mapped to their resulting data.
Columns and expressions to include in the returned data. This defaults to all columns in the table.
This `updateReturning()` with a nullable `where` parameter will be removed in future releases. Please leave a comment on [YouTrack](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/EXPOSED-494/Inline-DSL-statement-and-query-functions) with a use-case if a nullable condition cannot be replaced with the new `updateReturning()` overloads.
Replace with
updateReturning(returning) { body.invoke() }