
A post-process stage for a bloom effect.

A bloom effect adds glow effect, makes bright areas brighter, and dark areas darker.

This stage has the following uniforms: contrast, brightness, glowOnly, delta, sigma, and stepSize.

  • contrast is a scalar value in the range -255.0, 255.0 and affects the contract of the effect. The default value is 128.0.

  • brightness is a scalar value. The input texture RGB value is converted to hue, saturation, and brightness (HSB) then this value is added to the brightness. The default value is -0.3.

  • glowOnly is a boolean value. When true, only the glow effect will be shown. When false, the glow will be added to the input texture. The default value is false. This is a debug option for viewing the effects when changing the other uniform values.

delta, sigma, and stepSize are the same properties as PostProcessStageLibrary.createBlurStage. The blur is applied to the shadows generated from the image to make them smoother.

When enabled, this stage will execute before all others.

See also