All Classes and Interfaces

This interface provides the ability to speak a given string using screen readers.
Allows desktop actions, like opening a file, or webpage to be overridden.
Desktop action handler.
Marks JBR API extension method.
List of JBR API extensions.
Font-related utilities.
The list of all supported features.
Provides convenience methods to access FontMetrics instances, and obtain character advances from them without rounding.
Font metrics override handler.
Graphics2D utilities.
Allows to permanently install a rectangular maximum clip that cannot be extended with setClip.
Entry point into JBR API.
Extensions to the AWT FileDialog that allow clients fully use a native file chooser on supported platforms (currently macOS and Windows; the latter requires setting property to true).
Jstack-related utilities.
JBR API to inspect additional properties of AWT key events and keyboards.
Direct raster loading for VolatileImage.
GraphicsEnvironment-related utilities.
Marks classes and interfaces whose implementation is provided by JBR API.
Marks classes and interfaces which provide their functionality to JBR API.
This manager allows decorate awt Window with rounded corners.
Marks JBR API service.
This is a JBR API for text-input related functionality for applications that implement custom text components.
Event listener interface for all events supported by this API.
Custom text components that do not extend TextComponent or JTextComponent should subscribe to this event.
Window decorations consist of title bar, window controls and border.
Custom title bar allows merging of window content with native title bar, which is done by treating title bar as part of client area, but with some special behavior like dragging or maximizing on double click.
X11 WM-assisted window moving facility.