Package com.jetbrains

Interface NativeRasterLoader

@Service @Provided public interface NativeRasterLoader
Direct raster loading for VolatileImage.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    loadNativeRaster(VolatileImage vi, long pRaster, int width, int height, long pRects, int rectsCount)
    Loads native image raster into VolatileImage.
  • Method Details

    • loadNativeRaster

      void loadNativeRaster(VolatileImage vi, long pRaster, int width, int height, long pRects, int rectsCount)
      Loads native image raster into VolatileImage.
      vi - volatile image
      pRaster - native pointer image raster with 8-bit RGBA color components packed into integer pixels. Note: The color data in this image is considered to be premultiplied with alpha.
      width - width of image in pixels
      height - height of image in pixels
      pRects - native pointer to array of "dirty" rects, each rect is a sequence of four 32-bit integers: x, y, width, heigth Note: can be null (then whole image used)
      rectsCount - count of "dirty" rects (if 0 then whole image used)