Package com.jetbrains

Interface TextInput.SelectTextRangeEvent

Enclosing interface:

@Provided public static interface TextInput.SelectTextRangeEvent
Custom text components that do not extend TextComponent or JTextComponent should subscribe to this event. When receiving it, they should select the text range of UTF-16 code units starting at index of length .

It is expected, that KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, or InputMethodEvent events will immediately follow. They will insert new text in place of the old text pointed to by this event's range.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns first UTF-16 code unit index of the replacement range
    Returns length of the replacement range in UTF-16 code units
    Returns an AWT component that is the target of this event
  • Method Details

    • getSource

      Object getSource()
      Returns an AWT component that is the target of this event
      an AWT component that is the target of this event
    • getBegin

      int getBegin()
      Returns first UTF-16 code unit index of the replacement range
      first UTF-16 code unit index of the replacement range
    • getLength

      int getLength()
      Returns length of the replacement range in UTF-16 code units
      length of the replacement range in UTF-16 code units