Package com.jetbrains

Interface WindowMove

@Service @Provided public interface WindowMove
X11 WM-assisted window moving facility.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    startMovingTogetherWithMouse(Window window, int mouseButton)
    Starts moving the top-level parent window of the given window together with the mouse pointer.
  • Method Details

    • startMovingTogetherWithMouse

      void startMovingTogetherWithMouse(Window window, int mouseButton)
      Starts moving the top-level parent window of the given window together with the mouse pointer. The intended use is to facilitate the implementation of window management similar to the way it is done natively on the platform. Preconditions for calling this method:
      • WM supports _NET_WM_MOVE_RESIZE (this is checked automatically when an implementation of this interface is obtained).
      • Mouse pointer is within this window's bounds.
      • The mouse button specified by mouseButton is pressed.
      Calling this method will make the window start moving together with the mouse pointer until the specified mouse button is released or Esc is pressed. The conditions for cancelling the move may differ between WMs.
      window - window to start moving
      mouseButton - indicates the mouse button that was pressed to start moving the window; must be one of MouseEvent.BUTTON1, MouseEvent.BUTTON2, or MouseEvent.BUTTON3.