Package com.jetbrains

Interface Jstack

@Service @Provided public interface Jstack
Jstack-related utilities.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Specifies a supplier of additional information to be included into the output of jstack.
  • Method Details

    • includeInfoFrom

      void includeInfoFrom(Supplier<String> infoSupplier)
      Specifies a supplier of additional information to be included into the output of jstack. The String supplied will be included as-is with no header surrounded only with line breaks. infoSupplier will be invoked on an unspecified thread that must not be left blocked for a long time. Only one supplier is allowed, so subsequent calls to includeInfoFrom will overwrite the previously specified supplier.
      infoSupplier - a supplier of String values to be included into jstack's output. If null, then the previously registered supplier is removed (if any) and no extra info will be included.