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constructor(seq: Sequence)


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open override val columnType: IColumnType<Long>

Returns the column type of this expression. Used for operations with literals.

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Returns the sequence from which the next value is obtained.


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Creates a temporary identifier, alias, for this expression.

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Returns the result of performing a logical and operation between this expression and the op.

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Returns the result of performing a logical and operation between this expression and the negate op.

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open fun <T, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<S>.asLiteral(value: T): LiteralOp<T>

Returns the specified value as a literal of type T.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<S>.avg(scale: Int = 2): Avg<T, S>

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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open fun <T, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.between(from: T, to: T): Between

Returns true if this expression is between the values from and to, false otherwise.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.bitwiseAnd(t: T): AndBitOp<T, T>

Performs a bitwise and on this expression and t.

Performs a bitwise and on this expression and expression t.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.bitwiseOr(t: T): OrBitOp<T, T>

Performs a bitwise or on this expression and t.

Performs a bitwise or on this expression and expression t.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.bitwiseXor(t: T): XorBitOp<T, T>

Performs a bitwise or on this expression and t.

Performs a bitwise or on this expression and expression t.

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Specifies a conversion from one data type to another.

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Returns the length of this string expression, measured in characters, or null if this expression is null.

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Returns the number of input rows for which the value of this expression is not null.

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open infix operator fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.div(t: T): DivideOp<T, T>

Divides this expression by the t value.

open infix operator fun <T, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.div(other: Expression<S>): DivideOp<T, S>

Divides this expression by the other expression.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.eq(t: T): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is equal to some t value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.eq(t: V): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this EntityID expression is equal to some t value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.eq(other: Expression<V>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this EntityID expression is equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T, S1 : T?, S2 : T?> Expression<in S1>.eq(other: Expression<in S2>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, V : T?, E : EntityID<T>?> Expression<V>.eq(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<E>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is equal to some other expression.

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open infix fun <T> Expression<T>.eqSubQuery(query: AbstractQuery<*>): EqSubQueryOp<T>

Checks if this expression is equals to single value returned from query.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Returns value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame.

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Calls a custom SQL function with the specified functionName and passes this expression as its only argument.

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infix operator fun <E, T : List<E>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.get(index: Int): ArrayGet<E, T>

Returns the array element stored at the one-based index position, or null if the stored array itself is null.

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open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.greater(t: T): GreaterOp

Checks if this expression is greater than some t value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.greater(other: Expression<in V>): GreaterOp

Checks if this EntityID expression is greater than some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, V : T?, E : EntityID<T>?> Expression<V>.greater(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<E>): GreaterOp

Checks if this expression is greater than some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.greater(other: Expression<in S>): GreaterOp

Checks if this expression is greater than some other expression.

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open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.greaterEq(t: T): GreaterEqOp

Checks if this expression is greater than or equal to some t value

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.greaterEq(other: Expression<in V>): GreaterEqOp

Checks if this EntityID expression is greater than or equal to some other expression

Checks if this expression is greater than or equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.greaterEq(other: Expression<in S>): GreaterEqOp

Checks if this expression is greater than or equal to some other expression

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.groupConcat(separator: String? = null, distinct: Boolean = false, orderBy: Array<Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>> = emptyArray()): GroupConcat<T>
fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.groupConcat(separator: String? = null, distinct: Boolean = false, orderBy: Pair<Expression<*>, SortOrder>): GroupConcat<T>

Concatenates all non-null input values of each group from this string expression, separated by separator.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.hasFlag(t: T): EqOp

Performs a bitwise and on this expression and t.

Performs a bitwise and on this expression and expression t.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Checks if this expression is equal to any element from list.

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open infix fun <T> Expression<T>.inSubQuery(query: AbstractQuery<*>): InSubQueryOp<T>

Checks if this expression is equals to any row returned from query.

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.inTable(table: Table): InTableOp

Checks if this expression is equal to any element from the column of table with only a single column.

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Checks if this expression is not equal to some t value, with null treated as a comparable value

Checks if this EntityID expression is not equal to some other expression

Checks if this expression is not equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.isDistinctFrom(other: Expression<in S>): IsDistinctFromOp

Checks if this expression is not equal to some other expression, with null treated as a comparable value

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Checks if this expression is equal to some t value, with null treated as a comparable value

Checks if this EntityID expression is equal to some other expression

Checks if this expression is equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.isNotDistinctFrom(other: Expression<in S>): IsNotDistinctFromOp

Checks if this expression is equal to some other expression, with null treated as a comparable value

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open fun <T> Expression<T>.isNotNull(): Op<Boolean>

Returns true if this expression is not null, false otherwise.

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open fun <T> Expression<T>.isNull(): Op<Boolean>

Returns true if this expression is null, false otherwise.

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Returns true if this string expression is null or empty, false otherwise.

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open fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.lag(offset: ExpressionWithColumnType<Int> = intLiteral(1), defaultValue: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>? = null): Lag<T>

Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns defaultValue. Both offset and defaultValue are evaluated with respect to the current row.

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Returns value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame.

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open fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.lead(offset: ExpressionWithColumnType<Int> = intLiteral(1), defaultValue: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>? = null): Lead<T>

Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns defaultValue. Both offset and defaultValue are evaluated with respect to the current row.

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open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.less(t: T): LessOp

Checks if this expression is less than some t value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.less(other: Expression<in V>): LessOp

Checks if this EntityID expression is less than some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, V : T?, E : EntityID<T>?> Expression<V>.less(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<E>): LessOp

Checks if this expression is less than some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.less(other: Expression<in S>): LessOp

Checks if this expression is less than some other expression.

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open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.lessEq(t: T): LessEqOp

Checks if this expression is less than or equal to some t value

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.lessEq(other: Expression<in V>): LessEqOp

Checks if this EntityID expression is less than or equal to some other expression

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, V : T?, E : EntityID<T>?> Expression<V>.lessEq(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<E>): LessEqOp

Checks if this expression is less than or equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> Expression<in S>.lessEq(other: Expression<in S>): LessEqOp

Checks if this expression is less than or equal to some other expression

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open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.like(pattern: String): LikeEscapeOp
open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.like(pattern: LikePattern): LikeEscapeOp
@JvmName(name = "likeWithEntityID")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.like(pattern: String): LikeEscapeOp
@JvmName(name = "likeWithEntityID")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.like(pattern: LikePattern): LikeEscapeOp

Checks if this expression matches the specified pattern.

open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.like(expression: ExpressionWithColumnType<String>): LikeEscapeOp
@JvmName(name = "likeWithEntityIDAndExpression")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.like(expression: ExpressionWithColumnType<String>): LikeEscapeOp

Checks if this expression matches the specified expression.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.locate(substring: String): Locate<T>

Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring in this string expression or 0 if it doesn't contain substring

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Converts this string expression to lower case.

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open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.match(pattern: String): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression matches the specified pattern.

open fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.match(pattern: String, mode: FunctionProvider.MatchMode?): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression matches the specified pattern using the specified match mode.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.max(): Max<T, S>

Returns the maximum value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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fun <T : Comparable<T>, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.min(): Min<T, S>

Returns the minimum value of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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open infix operator fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.minus(t: T): MinusOp<T, T>

Subtracts the t value from this expression.

open infix operator fun <T, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.minus(other: Expression<S>): MinusOp<T, S>

Subtracts the other expression from this expression.

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open infix fun <T : Number?, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.mod(t: S): ModOp<T, S, T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this expression by the t value.

open infix fun <T : Number?, S : Number> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.mod(other: Expression<S>): ModOp<T, S, T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this expression by the other expression.

@JvmName(name = "modWithEntityId")
open infix fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>.mod(other: S): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing the value of this numeric PK by the other number.

@JvmName(name = "modWithEntityId3")
open infix fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>.mod(other: Expression<S>): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing the value of this numeric PK by the other number expression.

@JvmName(name = "modWithEntityId2")
open infix fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> Expression<S>.mod(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this number expression by other numeric PK

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open infix fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.neq(other: T): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is not equal to some other value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.neq(t: V): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this EntityID expression is not equal to some t value.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, E : EntityID<T>?, V : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<E>.neq(other: Expression<V>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this EntityID expression is not equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T, S1 : T?, S2 : T?> Expression<in S1>.neq(other: Expression<in S2>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is not equal to some other expression.

open infix fun <T : Comparable<T>, V : T?, E : EntityID<T>?> Expression<V>.neq(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<E>): Op<Boolean>

Checks if this expression is not equal to some other expression.

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open infix fun <T> Expression<T>.notEqSubQuery(query: AbstractQuery<*>): NotEqSubQueryOp<T>

Checks if this expression is not equals to single value returned from query.

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Checks if this expression is not equal to any element from list.

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open infix fun <T> Expression<T>.notInSubQuery(query: AbstractQuery<*>): NotInSubQueryOp<T>

Checks if this expression is not equals to any row returned from query.

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Checks if this expression is not equal to any element from the column of table with only a single column.

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open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.notLike(pattern: String): LikeEscapeOp
open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.notLike(pattern: LikePattern): LikeEscapeOp
@JvmName(name = "notLikeWithEntityID")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.notLike(pattern: String): LikeEscapeOp
@JvmName(name = "notLikeWithEntityID")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.notLike(pattern: LikePattern): LikeEscapeOp

Checks if this expression doesn't match the specified pattern.

Checks if this expression doesn't match the specified pattern.

@JvmName(name = "notLikeWithEntityIDAndExpression")
open infix fun Expression<EntityID<String>>.notLike(expression: ExpressionWithColumnType<String>): LikeEscapeOp

Checks if this expression doesn't match the specified expression.

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Returns value evaluated at the row that is the n'th row of the window frame (counting from 1); null if no such row.

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Returns the result of performing a logical or operation between this expression and the op.

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Returns the result of performing a logical or operation between this expression and the negate op.

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open infix operator fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.plus(t: T): PlusOp<T, T>

Adds the t value to this expression.

open infix operator fun <T, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.plus(other: Expression<S>): PlusOp<T, S>

Adds the other expression to this expression.

open infix operator fun Expression<String>.plus(value: String): Concat
open infix operator fun Expression<String>.plus(value: Expression<String>): Concat

Concatenate the value to the input expression.

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open infix fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.regexp(pattern: String): RegexpOp<T>
open fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.regexp(pattern: Expression<String>, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): RegexpOp<T>

Checks if this expression matches the pattern. Supports regular expressions.

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open infix operator fun <T : Number?, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.rem(t: S): ModOp<T, S, T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this expression by the t value.

open infix operator fun <T : Number?, S : Number> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.rem(other: Expression<S>): ModOp<T, S, T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this expression by the other expression.

@JvmName(name = "remWithEntityId")
open infix operator fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>.rem(other: S): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing the value of this numeric PK by the other number.

@JvmName(name = "remWithEntityId3")
open infix operator fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>.rem(other: Expression<S>): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing the value of this numeric PK by the other number expression.

@JvmName(name = "remWithEntityId2")
open infix operator fun <T : Number, Comparable<T>, S : Number, ID : EntityID<T>?> Expression<S>.rem(other: ExpressionWithColumnType<ID>): ExpressionWithColumnType<T>

Calculates the remainder of dividing this number expression by other numeric PK

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fun <E, T : List<E>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.slice(lower: Int? = null, upper: Int? = null): ArraySlice<E, T>

Returns a subarray of elements stored from between lower and upper bounds (inclusive), or null if the stored array itself is null. Note If either bounds is left null, the database will use the stored array's respective lower or upper limit.

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Returns the population standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the sample standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.substring(start: Int, length: Int): Substring<T>

Extract a substring from this string expression that begins at the specified start and with the specified length.

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Returns the sum of this expression across all non-null input values, or null if there are no non-null values.

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open infix operator fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.times(t: T): TimesOp<T, T>

Multiplies this expression by the t value.

open infix operator fun <T, S : T> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.times(other: Expression<S>): TimesOp<T, S>

Multiplies this expression by the other expression.

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open override fun toQueryBuilder(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder)

Appends the SQL representation of this expression to the specified queryBuilder.

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open override fun toString(): String
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fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.trim(): Trim<T>

Removes the longest string containing only spaces from both ends of string expression.

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Converts this string expression to upper case.

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Returns the population variance of the non-null input values (square of the population standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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Returns the sample variance of the non-null input values (square of the sample standard deviation), or null if there are no non-null values.

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open fun <T, S : T?> ExpressionWithColumnType<in S>.wrap(value: T): QueryParameter<T>

Returns the specified value as a query parameter of type T.