Provides definitions for all the supported SQL functions. By default, definitions from the SQL standard are provided but if a vendor doesn't support a specific function, or it is implemented differently, the corresponding function should be overridden.
SQL function that casts an expression to a specific type.
SQL function that concatenates multiple string expressions together with a given separator.
SQL function that extracts the date field from a given temporal expression.
SQL function that extracts the day field from a given date. The returned value is a number between 1 and 31 both inclusive.
Returns the SQL command that deletes one or more rows of a table.
Returns the SQL command that deletes one or more rows from a table in a join relation.
SQL function that concatenates strings from a group into a single string.
SQL function that extracts the hour field from a given date. The returned value is a number between 0 and 23 both inclusive.
Appends to a queryBuilder the SQL syntax for a column that represents the same values from the INSERT clause of an upsert command, which should be used in the UPDATE clause.
SQL function that checks whether data exists within a JSON expression at the specified path.
SQL function that extracts data from a JSON object at the specified path, either as a JSON representation or as a scalar value.
SQL function that checks whether the given string expression matches the given pattern.
Generates the SQL MERGE command which synchronizes two datasets by inserting new rows, or updating/deleting existing ones in the target table based on data from another table.
Generates the SQL MERGE command which synchronizes two datasets by inserting new rows, or updating/deleting existing ones in the target table based on data from subquery.
SQL function that extracts the minute field from a given date. The returned value is a number between 0 and 59 both inclusive.
SQL function that extracts the month field from a given date. The returned value is a number between 1 and 12 both inclusive.
SQL function that returns the next value of the specified sequence.
Returns the SQL command that limits and offsets the result of a query.
SQL function that performs a pattern match of a given string expression against a given pattern.
Returns the SQL command that either inserts a new row into a table, or, if insertion would violate a unique constraint, first deletes the existing row before inserting a new row.
Returns the SQL command that performs an insert, update, or delete, and also returns data from any modified rows.
SQL function that extracts the second field from a given date. The returned value is a number between 0 and 59 both inclusive.
SQL function that returns the population standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null
if there are no non-null values.
SQL function that returns the sample standard deviation of the non-null input values, or null
if there are no non-null values.
SQL function that extracts a substring from the specified string expression.
SQL function that extracts the time field from a given temporal expression.
Returns the SQL command that updates one or more rows of a join.
Returns the SQL command that updates one or more rows of a table.
Returns the SQL command that either inserts a new row into a table, or updates the existing row if insertion would violate a unique constraint.
SQL function that returns the population variance of the non-null input values (square of the population standard deviation), or null
if there are no non-null values.
SQL function that returns the sample variance of the non-null input values (square of the sample standard deviation), or null
if there are no non-null values.
SQL function that extracts the year field from a given date.