
fun drawPoints(coords: Array<Point>, paint: Paint): Canvas
fun drawPoints(coords: FloatArray, paint: Paint): Canvas

Draws pts using clip, Matrix and Paint paint.

The shape of point drawn depends on paint PaintStrokeCap. If paint is set to PaintStrokeCap.ROUND, each point draws a circle of diameter Paint stroke width. If paint is set to PaintStrokeCap.SQUARE or PaintStrokeCap.BUTT, each point draws a square of width and height Paint stroke width.

Each line segment respects paint PaintStrokeCap and Paint stroke width. PaintMode is ignored, as if were set to PaintMode.STROKE.

Always draws each element one at a time; is not affected by PaintStrokeJoin, and unlike drawPath(), does not create a mask from all points and lines before drawing.



array of points to draw


stroke, blend, color, and so on, used to draw

See also