
Gets the URL template to use to use to pick features. If this property is not specified, UrlTemplateImageryProvider.pickFeatures will immediately return undefined, indicating no features picked. The URL template supports all of the keywords supported by the UrlTemplateImageryProvider.url property, plus the following:

  • {i}: The pixel column (horizontal coordinate) of the picked position, where the Westernmost pixel is 0.

  • {j}: The pixel row (vertical coordinate) of the picked position, where the Northernmost pixel is 0.

  • {reverseI}: The pixel column (horizontal coordinate) of the picked position, where the Easternmost pixel is 0.

  • {reverseJ}: The pixel row (vertical coordinate) of the picked position, where the Southernmost pixel is 0.

  • {longitudeDegrees}: The longitude of the picked position in degrees.

  • {latitudeDegrees}: The latitude of the picked position in degrees.

  • {longitudeProjected}: The longitude of the picked position in the projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {latitudeProjected}: The latitude of the picked position in the projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {format}: The format in which to get feature information, as specified in the GetFeatureInfoFormat.

See also