
Gets the URL template to use to request tiles. It has the following keywords:

  • {z}: The level of the tile in the tiling scheme. Level zero is the root of the quadtree pyramid.

  • {x}: The tile X coordinate in the tiling scheme, where 0 is the Westernmost tile.

  • {y}: The tile Y coordinate in the tiling scheme, where 0 is the Northernmost tile.

  • {s}: One of the available subdomains, used to overcome browser limits on the number of simultaneous requests per host.

  • {reverseX}: The tile X coordinate in the tiling scheme, where 0 is the Easternmost tile.

  • {reverseY}: The tile Y coordinate in the tiling scheme, where 0 is the Southernmost tile.

  • {reverseZ}: The level of the tile in the tiling scheme, where level zero is the maximum level of the quadtree pyramid. In order to use reverseZ, maximumLevel must be defined.

  • {westDegrees}: The Western edge of the tile in geodetic degrees.

  • {southDegrees}: The Southern edge of the tile in geodetic degrees.

  • {eastDegrees}: The Eastern edge of the tile in geodetic degrees.

  • {northDegrees}: The Northern edge of the tile in geodetic degrees.

  • {westProjected}: The Western edge of the tile in projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {southProjected}: The Southern edge of the tile in projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {eastProjected}: The Eastern edge of the tile in projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {northProjected}: The Northern edge of the tile in projected coordinates of the tiling scheme.

  • {width}: The width of each tile in pixels.

  • {height}: The height of each tile in pixels.

See also