Creates a post-process stage that applies an effect simulating light flaring a camera lens.
This stage has the following uniforms: dirtTexture
, starTexture
, intensity
, distortion
, ghostDispersal
, haloWidth
, dirtAmount
, and earthRadius
is a texture sampled to simulate dirt on the lens.starTexture
is the texture sampled for the star pattern of the flare.intensity
is a scalar multiplied by the result of the lens flare. The default value is2.0
is a scalar value that affects the chromatic effect distortion. The default value is10.0
is a scalar indicating how far the halo effect is from the center of the texture. The default value is0.4
is a scalar representing the width of the halo from the ghost dispersal. The default value is0.4
is a scalar representing the amount of dirt on the lens. The default value is0.4
is the maximum radius of the earth. The default value isEllipsoid.WGS84.maximumRadius
A post-process stage for applying a lens flare effect.