
fun <SID : Comparable<SID>> warmUpLinkedReferences(references: List<EntityID<SID>>, linkTable: Table, forUpdate: Boolean? = null, optimizedLoad: Boolean = false): List<T>

Returns a list of retrieved Entity instances whose reference column matches any of the EntityID values in references. Both the entity's source and target reference columns should have been defined in linkTable.

The EntityCache in the current transaction scope will be searched for matching entities.

Set forUpdate to true or false depending on whether a locking read should be placed or removed from the search query used. Leave the argument as null to use the query without any locking option.

Set optimizedLoad to true to force two queries separately, one for loading ids and another for loading referenced entities. This could be useful when references target the same entities. This will prevent them from loading multiple times (per each reference row) and will require less memory/bandwidth for "heavy" entities (with a lot of columns and/or columns that store large data sizes).