Package-level declarations


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Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of multiple wrapped values.

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abstract class CompositeEntityClass<out E : CompositeEntity>(table: IdTable<CompositeID>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<CompositeID>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<CompositeID, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages CompositeEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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class DaoEntityID<T : Comparable<T>>(id: T?, table: IdTable<T>) : EntityID<T>

Class representing a wrapper for a stored identity value of type T, which is managed and cached by an EntityClass using a data access object pattern.

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Class representing a producer of EntityID instances, which are managed and cached by their respective EntityClass instances using a data access object pattern.

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open class Entity<ID : Comparable<ID>>(val id: EntityID<ID>)

Class representing a mapping to values stored in a table record in a database.

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class EntityBatchUpdate(klass: EntityClass<*, Entity<*>>)

Class responsible for performing a batch update operation on multiple instances of an Entity class.

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class EntityCache(transaction: Transaction)

Class responsible for the storage of Entity instances in a specific transaction.

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data class EntityChange(val entityClass: EntityClass<*, Entity<*>>, val entityId: EntityID<*>, val changeType: EntityChangeType, val transactionId: String)

Stores details about a state-change event for an Entity instance.

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Represents the possible states of an Entity throughout its lifecycle.

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abstract class EntityClass<ID : Comparable<ID>, out T : Entity<ID>>(val table: IdTable<ID>, entityType: Class<T>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<ID>) -> T? = null)

Base class responsible for the management of Entity instances and the maintenance of their relation to the provided table.

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Class responsible for enabling Entity field transformations, which may be useful when advanced database type conversions are necessary for entity mappings.

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object EntityHook

Class responsible for providing functions that expose EntityChange state logic and entity lifecycle features for alerting triggers or customizing additional functionality.

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Represents a StatementInterceptor specifically responsible for the statement lifecycle of Entity instances, which is loaded whenever a Transaction instance is initialized.

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abstract class ImmutableCachedEntityClass<ID : Comparable<ID>, out T : Entity<ID>>(table: IdTable<ID>, entityType: Class<T>? = null, ctor: (EntityID<ID>) -> T? = null) : ImmutableEntityClass<ID, T>

Base class responsible for the management of immutable Entity instances and the maintenance of their relation to the provided table. An internal cache is used to store entity loading states by the associated database, in order to guarantee that that entity updates are synchronized with this class as the lock object.

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abstract class ImmutableEntityClass<ID : Comparable<ID>, out T : Entity<ID>>(table: IdTable<ID>, entityType: Class<T>? = null, ctor: (EntityID<ID>) -> T? = null) : EntityClass<ID, T>

Base class responsible for the management of immutable Entity instances and the maintenance of their relation to the provided table.

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class InnerTableLink<SID : Comparable<SID>, Source : Entity<SID>, ID : Comparable<ID>, Target : Entity<ID>>(val table: Table, sourceTable: IdTable<SID>, val target: EntityClass<ID, Target>, _sourceColumn: Column<EntityID<SID>>? = null, _targetColumn: Column<EntityID<ID>>? = null) : ReadWriteProperty<Source, SizedIterable<Target>>

Class responsible for implementing property delegates of the read-write properties involved in a many-to-many relation, which uses an intermediate (join) table.

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abstract class IntEntity(id: EntityID<Int>) : Entity<Int>

Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of a wrapped Int value.

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abstract class IntEntityClass<out E : IntEntity>(table: IdTable<Int>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<Int>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<Int, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages IntEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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abstract class LongEntity(id: EntityID<Long>) : Entity<Long>

Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of a wrapped Long value.

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abstract class LongEntityClass<out E : LongEntity>(table: IdTable<Long>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<Long>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<Long, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages LongEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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Class responsible for implementing property delegates of the read-only properties involved in an optional table relation between two Entity classes, which retrieves the child entity that optionally references the parent entity.

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class OptionalReference<REF : Comparable<REF>, ID : Comparable<ID>, out Target : Entity<ID>>(val reference: Column<REF?>, val factory: EntityClass<ID, Target>, references: Map<Column<*>, Column<*>>? = null)

Class representing an optional table relation between two Entity classes, which is responsible for retrieving the parent entity optionally referenced by the child entity.

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Class responsible for implementing property delegates of the read-only properties involved in an optional one-to-many relation, which retrieves all child entities that optionally reference the parent entity.

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class Reference<REF : Comparable<REF>, ID : Comparable<ID>, out Target : Entity<ID>>(val reference: Column<REF>, val factory: EntityClass<ID, Target>, references: Map<Column<*>, Column<*>>? = null)

Class representing a table relation between two Entity classes, which is responsible for retrieving the parent entity referenced by the child entity.

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open class Referrers<ParentID : Comparable<ParentID>, in Parent : Entity<ParentID>, ChildID : Comparable<ChildID>, out Child : Entity<ChildID>, REF>(val reference: Column<REF>, val factory: EntityClass<ChildID, Child>, val cache: Boolean, references: Map<Column<*>, Column<*>>? = null) : ReadOnlyProperty<Parent, SizedIterable<Child>>

Class responsible for implementing property delegates of the read-only properties involved in a one-to-many relation, which retrieves all child entities that reference the parent entity.

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abstract class UIntEntity(id: EntityID<UInt>) : Entity<UInt>

Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of a wrapped UInt value.

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abstract class UIntEntityClass<out E : UIntEntity>(table: IdTable<UInt>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<UInt>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<UInt, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages UIntEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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abstract class ULongEntity(id: EntityID<ULong>) : Entity<ULong>

Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of a wrapped ULong value.

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abstract class ULongEntityClass<out E : ULongEntity>(table: IdTable<ULong>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<ULong>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<ULong, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages ULongEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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abstract class UUIDEntity(id: EntityID<UUID>) : Entity<UUID>

Base class for an Entity instance identified by an id comprised of a wrapped UUID value.

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abstract class UUIDEntityClass<out E : UUIDEntity>(table: IdTable<UUID>, entityType: Class<E>? = null, entityCtor: (EntityID<UUID>) -> E? = null) : EntityClass<UUID, E>

Base class representing the EntityClass that manages UUIDEntity instances and maintains their relation to the provided table.

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class View<out Target : Entity<*>>(val op: Op<Boolean>, val factory: EntityClass<*, Target>) : SizedIterable<Target>

A SizedIterable of Entity instances that represent a subset of all managed entities that conform to the provided op conditional expression.


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The current EntityCache for this scope, or a new instance if none exists.


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Triggers alerts for all unprocessed entity events using any state-change actions previously registered via EntityHook.subscribe.

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Sends all pending Entity inserts and updates stored in this transaction's EntityCache to the database.

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fun <SRCID : Comparable<SRCID>, SRC : Entity<SRCID>> SRC.load(vararg relations: KProperty1<out Entity<*>, Any?>): SRC

Eager loads references for this Entity instance and returns this entity instance.

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fun Transaction.registerChange(entityClass: EntityClass<*, Entity<*>>, entityId: EntityID<*>, changeType: EntityChangeType)

Creates a new EntityChange with this id and registers it as an entity event.

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Returns a list of all EntityChange events that have been registered in this Transaction.

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Returns the actual Entity instance associated with this event, or null if the entity is not found.

Returns the actual Entity instance associated with this event, or null if either its EntityClass type is neither equivalent to nor a subclass of klass, or if the entity is not found.

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fun <SRCID : Comparable<SRCID>, SRC : Entity<SRCID>, REF : Entity<*>, L : Iterable<SRC>> L.with(vararg relations: KProperty1<out REF, Any?>): L

Eager loads references for all Entity instances in this collection and returns this collection.

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fun <T> withHook(action: (EntityChange) -> Unit, body: () -> T): T

Calls the specified function body with the given state-change action, registers the action, and returns its result.