Package-level declarations


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abstract class BaseBatchInsertStatement(table: Table, ignore: Boolean, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true) : InsertStatement<List<ResultRow>>

Base class representing the SQL statement that batch inserts new rows into a table.

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An exception thrown when the provided data cannot be validated or processed to prepare a batch statement.

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open class BatchInsertStatement(table: Table, ignore: Boolean = false, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true) : BaseBatchInsertStatement

Represents the SQL statement that batch inserts new rows into a table.

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open class BatchReplaceStatement(table: Table, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true) : BaseBatchInsertStatement

Represents the SQL statement that either batch inserts new rows into a table, or, if insertions violate unique constraints, first deletes the existing rows before inserting new rows.

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open class BatchUpdateStatement(val table: IdTable<*>) : UpdateStatement

Represents the SQL statement that batch updates rows of a table.

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open class BatchUpsertStatement(table: Table, val keys: Column<*>, val onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>?, val where: Op<Boolean>?, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true) : BaseBatchInsertStatement, UpsertBuilder

Represents the SQL statement that either batch inserts new rows into a table, or updates the existing rows if insertions violate unique constraints.

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open class DeleteStatement(val targetsSet: ColumnSet, val where: Op<Boolean>? = null, val isIgnore: Boolean = false, val limit: Int? = null, val targetTables: List<Table> = emptyList()) : Statement<Int>

Represents the SQL statement that deletes one or more rows of a table.

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Represents a StatementInterceptor that is loaded whenever a Transaction instance is initialized.

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open class InsertSelectStatement(val columns: List<Column<*>>, val selectQuery: AbstractQuery<*>, val isIgnore: Boolean = false) : Statement<Int>

Represents the SQL statement that uses data retrieved from a selectQuery to insert new rows into a table.

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open class InsertStatement<Key : Any>(val table: Table, val isIgnore: Boolean = false) : UpdateBuilder<Int>

Represents the SQL statement that inserts a new row into a table.

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open class MergeSelectStatement(dest: Table, selectQuery: QueryAlias, val on: Op<Boolean>) : MergeStatement

Represents an SQL MERGE statement. It encapsulates the logic to perform conditional updates, insertions, or deletions.

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abstract class MergeStatement(val table: Table) : Statement<Int>

The base implementation of SQL merge command that is used by statements like MergeSelectStatement, MergeTableStatement

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open class MergeTableStatement(dest: Table, source: Table, on: Op<Boolean>?) : MergeStatement

Represents an SQL MERGE statement. It encapsulates the logic to perform conditional updates, insertions, or deletions.

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open class ReplaceSelectStatement(val columns: List<Column<*>>, val selectQuery: AbstractQuery<*>) : InsertSelectStatement

Represents the SQL statement that uses data retrieved from a selectQuery to either insert a new row into a table, or, if insertion would violate a unique constraint, first delete the existing row before inserting a new row.

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open class ReplaceStatement<Key : Any>(table: Table) : InsertStatement<Key>

Represents the SQL statement that either inserts a new row into a table, or, if insertion would violate a unique constraint, first deletes the existing row before inserting a new row.

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open class ReturningStatement(val table: Table, val returningExpressions: List<Expression<*>>, val mainStatement: Statement<*>) : Statement<ResultSet> , Iterable<ResultRow>

Represents the underlying SQL mainStatement that also returns a result set with data from any modified rows.

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open class SQLServerBatchInsertStatement(table: Table, ignore: Boolean = false, shouldReturnGeneratedValues: Boolean = true) : BatchInsertStatement

Represents the SQL statement that batch inserts new rows into a table, specifically for the SQL Server database.

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abstract class Statement<out T>(val type: StatementType, val targets: List<Table>)

Base class representing an SQL statement that can be executed.

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class StatementContext(val statement: Statement<*>, val args: Iterable<Pair<IColumnType<*>, Any?>>)

Holds information related to a particular statement and the args needed to prepare it for execution.

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Represents the groups that are used to classify the purpose of an SQL statement.

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Represents the processes that should be performed during a statement's lifecycle events in a transaction.

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sealed class StatementResult

Stores the result generated by a database after statement execution and indicates the form of the result.

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Possible SQL statement types, most often represented by the leading word in the command syntax.

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abstract class UpdateBuilder<out T>(type: StatementType, targets: List<Table>) : Statement<T>

Represents the underlying mapping of columns scheduled for change along with their new values.

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open class UpdateStatement(val targetsSet: ColumnSet, val limit: Int?, val where: Op<Boolean>? = null) : UpdateBuilder<Int>

Represents the SQL statement that updates rows of a table.

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sealed interface UpsertBuilder

Common interface for building SQL statements that either insert a new row into a table, or update the existing row if insertion would violate a unique constraint.

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open class UpsertStatement<Key : Any>(table: Table, val keys: Column<*>, val onUpdateExclude: List<Column<*>>?, val where: Op<Boolean>?) : InsertStatement<Key> , UpsertBuilder

Represents the SQL statement that either inserts a new row into a table, or updates the existing row if insertion would violate a unique constraint.


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Returns the string representation of this context's Statement with its argument values included directly instead of parameter placeholders.