
fun convertConicToQuads(p0: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point, w: Float, pow2: Int): Array<Point>

Approximates conic with quad array. Conic is constructed from start Point p0, control Point p1, end Point p2, and weight w.

Quad array is stored in pts; this storage is supplied by caller.

Maximum quad count is 2 to the pow2.

Every third point in array shares last Point of previous quad and first Point of next quad. Maximum pts storage size is given by: (1 + 2 * (1 << pow2)).</p>

Returns quad count used the approximation, which may be smaller than the number requested.

conic weight determines the amount of influence conic control point has on the curve.

w less than one represents an elliptical section. w greater than one represents a hyperbolic section. w equal to one represents a parabolic section.

Two quad curves are sufficient to approximate an elliptical conic with a sweep of up to 90 degrees; in this case, set pow2 to one.


number of quad curves written to pts



conic start Point


conic control Point


conic end Point


conic weight


quad count, as power of two, normally 0 to 5 (1 to 32 quad curves)