
Implements MCP protocol framing on top of a pluggable transport, including features like request/response linking, notifications, and progress.



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constructor(_options: ProtocolOptions?)


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var fallbackNotificationHandler: suspend (notification: JSONRPCNotification) -> Unit?

A handler to invoke for any notification types that do not have their own handler installed.

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A handler to invoke for any request types that do not have their own handler installed.

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abstract fun assertCapabilityForMethod(method: Method)

A method to check if a capability is supported by the remote side, for the given method to be called.

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A method to check if a request handler is supported by the local side, for the given method to be handled.

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suspend fun close()

Closes the connection.

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open suspend fun connect(transport: Transport)

Attaches to the given transport, starts it, and starts listening for messages.

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suspend fun notification(notification: SendNotificationT)

Emits a notification, which is a one-way message that does not expect a response.

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open fun onclose()

Callback for when the connection is closed for any reason.

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open fun onerror(error: Throwable)

Callback for when an error occurs.

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Removes the notification handler for the given method.

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Removes the request handler for the given method.

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suspend fun <T : RequestResult> request(request: SendRequestT, options: RequestOptions? = null): T

Sends a request and wait for a response.

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fun <T : Notification> setNotificationHandler(method: Method, handler: (notification: T) -> Deferred<Unit>)

Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a notification with the given method.

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inline fun <T : Request> setRequestHandler(method: Method, noinline block: suspend (T, RequestHandlerExtra) -> SendResultT?)

Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a request with the given method.