
open class Client(clientInfo: Implementation, options: ClientOptions = ClientOptions()) : Protocol<ClientRequest, ClientNotification, ClientResult> (source)

An MCP client on top of a pluggable transport.

The client automatically performs the initialization handshake with the server when connect is called. After initialization, getServerCapabilities and getServerVersion provide details about the connected server.

You can extend this class with custom request/notification/result types if needed.



Information about the client implementation (name, version).


Configuration options for this client.


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constructor(clientInfo: Implementation, options: ClientOptions = ClientOptions())


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var fallbackNotificationHandler: suspend (notification: JSONRPCNotification) -> Unit?

A handler to invoke for any notification types that do not have their own handler installed.

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A handler to invoke for any request types that do not have their own handler installed.

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open override fun assertCapabilityForMethod(method: Method)

A method to check if a capability is supported by the remote side, for the given method to be called.

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open override fun assertRequestHandlerCapability(method: Method)

A method to check if a request handler is supported by the local side, for the given method to be handled.

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suspend fun callTool(request: CallToolRequest, compatibility: Boolean = false, options: RequestOptions? = null): CallToolResultBase?

Calls a tool on the server using a CallToolRequest object.

suspend fun callTool(name: String, arguments: Map<String, Any?>, compatibility: Boolean = false, options: RequestOptions? = null): CallToolResultBase?

Calls a tool on the server by name, passing the specified arguments.

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suspend fun close()

Closes the connection.

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suspend fun complete(params: CompleteRequest, options: RequestOptions? = null): CompleteResult?

Sends a completion request to the server, typically to generate or complete some content.

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open suspend override fun connect(transport: Transport)

Connects the client to the given transport, performing the initialization handshake with the server.

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suspend fun getPrompt(request: GetPromptRequest, options: RequestOptions? = null): GetPromptResult?

Retrieves a prompt by name from the server.

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Retrieves the server's reported capabilities after the initialization process completes.

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Retrieves the server's reported version information after initialization.

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suspend fun listPrompts(request: ListPromptsRequest = ListPromptsRequest(), options: RequestOptions? = null): ListPromptsResult?

Lists all available prompts from the server.

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suspend fun listResources(request: ListResourcesRequest = ListResourcesRequest(), options: RequestOptions? = null): ListResourcesResult?

Lists all available resources from the server.

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Lists resource templates available on the server.

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suspend fun listTools(request: ListToolsRequest = ListToolsRequest(), options: RequestOptions? = null): ListToolsResult?

Lists all available tools on the server.

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suspend fun notification(notification: ClientNotification)

Emits a notification, which is a one-way message that does not expect a response.

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open fun onclose()

Callback for when the connection is closed for any reason.

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open fun onerror(error: Throwable)

Callback for when an error occurs.

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suspend fun ping(options: RequestOptions? = null): EmptyRequestResult

Sends a ping request to the server to check connectivity.

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suspend fun readResource(request: ReadResourceRequest, options: RequestOptions? = null): ReadResourceResult?

Reads a resource from the server by its URI.

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Removes the notification handler for the given method.

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Removes the request handler for the given method.

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suspend fun <T : RequestResult> request(request: ClientRequest, options: RequestOptions? = null): T

Sends a request and wait for a response.

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suspend fun sendRootsListChanged()

Notifies the server that the list of roots has changed. Typically used if the client is managing some form of hierarchical structure.

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suspend fun setLoggingLevel(level: LoggingLevel, options: RequestOptions? = null): EmptyRequestResult

Sets the logging level on the server.

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fun <T : Notification> setNotificationHandler(method: Method, handler: (notification: T) -> Deferred<Unit>)

Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a notification with the given method.

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inline fun <T : Request> setRequestHandler(method: Method, noinline block: suspend (T, RequestHandlerExtra) -> ClientResult?)

Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a request with the given method.

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suspend fun subscribeResource(request: SubscribeRequest, options: RequestOptions? = null): EmptyRequestResult

Subscribes to resource changes on the server.

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Unsubscribes from resource changes on the server.