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abstract fun draw(vertexCount: Int, instanceCount: Int = definedExternally, firstVertex: Int = definedExternally, firstInstance: Int = definedExternally)
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abstract fun drawIndexed(indexCount: Int, instanceCount: Int = definedExternally, firstIndex: Int = definedExternally, baseVertex: Int = definedExternally, firstInstance: Int = definedExternally)
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abstract fun drawIndexedIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: Int)
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abstract fun drawIndirect(indirectBuffer: GPUBuffer, indirectOffset: Int)
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abstract fun setIndexBuffer(buffer: GPUBuffer, indexFormat: GPUIndexFormat, offset: Int = definedExternally, size: Int = definedExternally)
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abstract fun setPipeline(pipeline: GPURenderPipeline)
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abstract fun setVertexBuffer(slot: Int, buffer: GPUBuffer, offset: Int = definedExternally, size: Int = definedExternally)