
fun on(event: DownloadItemEvent.DONE, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemDoneListenerState) -> Unit)(source)

Emitted when the download is in a terminal state. This includes a completed download, a cancelled download (via downloadItem.cancel()), and interrupted download that can't be resumed.

The state can be one of following:

  • completed - The download completed successfully.

  • cancelled - The download has been cancelled.

  • interrupted - The download has interrupted and can not resume.

fun on(event: DownloadItemEvent.UPDATED, listener: (event: Event<*>, state: DownloadItemUpdatedListenerState) -> Unit)(source)

Emitted when the download has been updated and is not done.

The state can be one of following:

  • progressing - The download is in-progress.

  • interrupted - The download has interrupted and can be resumed.