
Creates and adds an animation with the specified initial properties to the collection.

This raises the ModelAnimationCollection.animationAdded event so, for example, a UI can stay in sync.

// Example 1. Add an animation by name
name : 'animation name'
// Example 2. Add an animation by index
index : 0
// Example 3. Add an animation and provide all properties and events
const startTime =;

const animation = model.activeAnimations.add({
name : 'another animation name',
startTime : startTime,
delay : 0.0, // Play at startTime (default)
stopTime : JulianDate.addSeconds(startTime, 4.0, new JulianDate()),
removeOnStop : false, // Do not remove when animation stops (default)
multiplier : 2.0, // Play at double speed
reverse : true, // Play in reverse
loop : ModelAnimationLoop.REPEAT // Loop the animation

animation.start.addEventListener(function(model, animation) {
console.log(`Animation started: ${}`);
animation.update.addEventListener(function(model, animation, time) {
console.log(`Animation updated: ${}. glTF animation time: ${time}`);
animation.stop.addEventListener(function(model, animation) {
console.log(`Animation stopped: ${}`);


The animation that was added to the collection.

See also