
Sets the image to be used for this billboard. If a texture has already been created for the given id, the existing texture is used.

This function is useful for dynamically creating textures that are shared across many billboards. Only the first billboard will actually call the function and create the texture, while subsequent billboards created with the same id will simply re-use the existing texture.

To load an image from a URL, setting the Billboard.image property is more convenient.

// create a billboard image dynamically
function drawImage(id) {
// create and draw an image using a canvas
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const context2D = canvas.getContext('2d');
// ... draw image
return canvas;
// drawImage will be called to create the texture
b.setImage('myImage', drawImage);

// subsequent billboards created in the same collection using the same id will use the existing
// texture, without the need to create the canvas or draw the image
b2.setImage('myImage', drawImage);



The id of the image. This can be any string that uniquely identifies the image.


The image to load. This parameter can either be a loaded Image or Canvas, a URL which will be loaded as an Image automatically, or a function which will be called to create the image if it hasn't been loaded already.

See also

fun setImage(id: String, image: String)(source)
fun setImage(id: String, image: Resource)(source)