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Language Namespace : de.slisson.mps.richtext

This language adds support for non-structured, multi-line text editing cells. Nodes can be embedded inside the text. A checking rule enforces that the text is normalized: there has to be at least one child, it must start with a Word and a Word must always be between two embedded nodes and there are can’t be two consecutive Words. There is also the language jetbrains.mps.lang.text which is an official JetBrains language and works a bit differently. It is line-based and has built-in support for paragraphs, bullet points, urls and other features. The richtext language uses the multiline language to allow editing of multiline text with nodes that can be inserted between these text cells. The The language should be considered a building block for other concepts such as paragraphs and consists of three concepts.

The base interface IWord is used for text and embeddable nodes. Implement the method toTextString() to make it possible to copy the node as text to the clipboard. For multiline text there’s already the concept Word.

The following screenshot shows a simple example from the mbeddr documentation language.

example: query list

All the different looking strings (e.g. @sect, @node, footnode) are implemented as concepts that implement IWord.

Keyboard Shortcuts

This languages add additional keyboard shortcuts to the editor:


Shortcut Description
Ctrl+A select the full text
Ctrl+Backspace delete text until the start of the word
Ctrl+Del delete text until the end of the word
Ctrl+Shift+Backspace delete text until the start of the line
Ctrl+Shift+Del delete text until end of the line
Shift+Left increase selection to the character to the left
Shift+Right increase selection to the character to the right
Alt+Shift+Left increase selection to the start of the word
Alt+Shift+Right increase selection to the end of the word
Ctrl+Shift+Home increase selection to the start of the full text
Ctrl+Shift+End increase selection to the end of the full text


Shortcut Description
Cmd+A select the full text
Cmd+Backspace delete text until the start of the word
Cmd+Del delete text until the end of the word
Cmd+Shift+Backspace delete text until the start of the line
Cmd+Shift+Del delete text until end of the line
Shift+Left increase selection to the character to the left
Shift+Right increase selection to the character to the right
Alt+Shift+Left increase selection to the start of the word
Alt+Shift+Right increase selection to the end of the word
Cmd+Shift+Fn+Left increase selection to the start of the full text
Cmd+Shift+Fn+Right increase selection to the end of the full text

Compatibility with the Text language( jetbrains.mps.lang.text)

Both languages have similar goals but are not compatible with each other. The text language is line based and has builtin support for some formatting options like bold, italic, underlined and some other features such as bullet and numbered lines. The Richtext language doesn’t have those features but was built with extensibility in mind. Some mentioned features are implemented in the mbeddr.doc language instead. While the text language looks to have all necessary features to replace the richtext language, it can’t be extended that easily. Before you try to migrate to it, please keep that in mind and do some experiments to check if the switch is possible.