The MPS extensions are built using Gradle. To build the source code, all you need on the machine is a Java JDK.
Starting from MPS-extensions 2022.2, JDK 17 is required. For older versions you need JDK 11. For ancient maintenance versions you only need JDK 8.
If you want to contribute to MPS-extensions, you need MPS. The current used MPS version can be found in the build.gradle file under the value ext.mpsMajor
To build the project, run:
This will fetch the required MPS version from the internet, so you need to be online when first execute the build.
The default task is build_languages
The default task doesn’t run the test when building if you want to execute the tests then run:
The documentation is built using Material for MkDocs and Python 3. It can be previewed by running: