
class Extract<T>(val expression: Expression<*>, val path: String, val toScalar: Boolean, val jsonType: IColumnType<*>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>) : Function<T>

Represents an SQL function that returns extracted data from a JSON object at the specified path, either as a JSON representation or as a scalar value.


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constructor(expression: Expression<*>, vararg path: String, toScalar: Boolean, jsonType: IColumnType<*>, columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>)


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open override val columnType: IColumnType<T & Any>
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The expression from which to extract JSON subcomponents matched by path.

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The column type of expression to check, if casting to JSONB is required.

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val path: Array<out String>

Array of Strings representing JSON path/keys that match fields to be extracted.

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Whether the extracted result should be a scalar or text value; if false, result will be a JSON object.


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fun <T> ExpressionWithColumnType<*>.contains(candidate: T, path: String? = null): Contains

Checks whether a candidate value is contained within this JSON expression.

fun ExpressionWithColumnType<*>.contains(candidate: Expression<*>, path: String? = null): Contains

Checks whether a candidate expression is contained within this JSON expression.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun ExpressionWithColumnType<*>.exists(vararg path: String, optional: String? = null): Exists

Checks whether data exists within this JSON expression at the specified path.

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inline fun <T : Any> ExpressionWithColumnType<*>.extract(vararg path: String, toScalar: Boolean = true): Extract<T>

Returns the extracted data from a JSON object at the specified path, either as a JSON representation or as a scalar value.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toQueryBuilder(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder)
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open override fun toString(): String