Data Query


All DB-operations should happen in transactions. XdEntities from one transaction can be safely used in another one, i.e. one can store a reference to an entity outside a transaction.

New entities

class XdUser(entity: Entity) : XdEntity(entity) {
    companion object : XdNaturalEntityType<XdUser>()

    var login by xdRequiredStringProp(unique = true)

fun createUser(store: TransientEntityStore, login: String): XdUser {
    return store.transactional { {
            this.login = login 


Effective database collections that use Xodus indices are represented in Xodus DNQ by objects of type XdQuery<XD>. Such objects are returned by XdEntityType#all(), multi-value persistent links, and various database collection operations: filtering, sorting, mapping, etc.

Query all entities


Empty query


Convert to Kotlin collections

There are several extension functions to convert XdQueries to Kotlin-collections. There is also an extension function operator iterator, that enables usage of XdQuery in for-in loop.

XdUser.all().toSortedSet(compareBy { it.login })

Query of specified elements



Xodus-DNQ provides methods for entity filtering using built-in Xodus indices. It’s much more efficient and performant than in-memory collection manipulations.

// Get all users with skill greater than 2
XdUser.all().query(XdUser::skill gt 2)
XdUser.all().filter { it.skill gt 2 }

// The same but shorter
XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2)
XdUser.filter { it.skill gt 2 }
// Contacts that have type XdEmailContact

// Contacts that have any type but XdEmailContact

Method query() accepts an object of type NodeBase. This object defines an abstract syntax tree of filtering operation expression. There is a set of predefined methods to build such trees.

Method filter() accepts function which will be called on a “template” entity. Syntax tree of filtering operations will be generated according to properties and links requested from “template” entity. As a result filter function should access only database backing fields of XdEntity.


Filter entities with a value of the property equal to the given value.

// Users with login "root"
XdUser.query(XdUser::login eq "root")
XdUser.filter { it.login eq "root" }

// Users with gender equal to XdGender.FEMALE
XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE)
XdUser.filter { it.gender eq XdGender.FEMALE }

Not Equals

Filter entities with a value of the property not equal to the given value.

// Users with any login but "root"
XdUser.query(XdUser::login ne "root")
XdUser.filter { it.login ne "root" }

// Users with gender not equal to XdGender.FEMALE
XdUser.query(XdUser::gender ne XdGender.FEMALE)
XdUser.filter { it.gender ne XdGender.FEMALE }

Greater than

Filter entities with a value of the property greater than given value.

// Users with skill greater than 2
XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2)
XdUser.filter { it.skill gt 2 }

Less than

Filter entities with a value of the property less than given value.

// Users with skill less than 2
XdUser.query(XdUser::skill lt 2)
XdUser.filter {it.skill lt 2 }

Greater or equal

Filter entities with a value of the property greater or equal to given value.

// Users with skill greater or equal to 2
XdUser.query(XdUser::skill ge 2)
XdUser.filter { it.skill ge 2 }

Less or equal

Filter entities with a value of the property less or equal to given value.

// Users with skill less or equal to 2
XdUser.query(XdUser::skill le 2)
XdUser.filter { it.skill le 2 }

Starts with

Filter entities with a value of the String property starting with the given value.

// Users with skill less than 2
XdUser.query(XdUser::login startsWith "max")
XdUser.filter { it.login startsWith "max" }


Filter entities where one of the values of the multi-value property contains the given value.

// Users that have `group` among their groups.
XdUser.query(XdUser::groups contains group)
XdUser.filter { it.groups contains group }

Value in range

Filter entities with a value of the property matching the given range.

// Users with skill within the range 1..10
XdUser.query((1..10) contains XdUser::skill)

Set property contains value

Filter entities with value of set property containing the given value.

class XdPost(entity: Entity): XdEntity(entity) {
  companion object: XdNaturalEntityType<XdPost>()
  var tags by xdSetProp<XdPost, String>()

XdPost.query(XdPost::tags contains "Kotlin")

Set element starts with

Filter entities with some element of set property starting with the given value.

class XdPost(entity: Entity): XdEntity(entity) {
  companion object: XdNaturalEntityType<XdPost>()
  var tags by xdSetProp<XdPost, String>()

XdPost.query(XdPost::tags anyStartsWith "kot")


Negation of the given operation.

// Users with any login but "root"
XdUser.query(not(XdUser::login eq "root"))


Conjunction of the given operations.

// Users with any login not equal to "root" and skill more than 2. 
XdUser.query((XdUser::login ne "root") and (XdUser::skill gt 2))
XdUser.filter { (it.login ne "root") and (it.skill gt 2) }


Disjunction of the given operations.

// Users with login equal to "root" or skill more than 2. 
XdUser.query((XdUser::login eq "root") or (XdUser::skill gt 2))
XdUser.filter { (it.login eq "root") or (it.skill gt 2) }

Filter by property of property

If you need to filter entities not by the value of their properties but by the value of a property of their property, you may use link operator. Note that this operation is less effective than direct filtering by the value of a property.

// Users with verified contacts
XdUser.query( eq true))
XdUser.filter { eq true }

Find or Create

It’s possible to create an entity with a guarantee that no identical entity will be created in a parallel thread. It’s quite handy if you need to create an instance of association class. Method findOrNew

class XdPerson(entity: Entity) : XdEntity(entity) {
    companion object : XdNaturalEntityType<XdPerson>()

    fun setSkillLevel(skill: XdSkill, level: Int) { 
        val competence = XdCompetence.findOrNew(
                        (XdCompetence::person eq this) and (XdCompetence::skill eq skill)
        ) {
            this.person = this@XdPerson
            this.skill = skill
        competence.level = level

    fun anotherWayToSetSkillLevel(skill: XdSkill, level: Int) { 
        // in this version only database backing fields of XdCompetence should be used in assignments in lambda
        val competence = XdCompetence.findOrNew {
            this.person = this@XdPerson
            this.skill = skill
        competence.level = level

class XdSkill(entity: Entity) : XdEntity(entity) {
    companion object : XdNaturalEntityType<XdSkill>()

class XdCompetence(entity: Entity) : XdEntity(entity) {
    companion object : XdNaturalEntityType<XdCompetence>() {
        override val compositeIndices
            get() = listOf(
                    listOf(XdCompetence::person, XdCompetence::skill)

    var person by xdLink1(XdPerson)
    var skill by xdLink1(XdSkill)
    var level by xdIntProp()

Query operations


XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) intersect XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2) 


XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) union XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2)
XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) union user 


XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) plus XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2)
XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) plus user 


XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) exclude XdUser.query(XdUser::skill le 2) 
XdUser.query(XdUser::gender eq XdGender.FEMALE) exclude user 


Sorting operations create new XdQuery and does not alter their arguments. Sorting is stable, i.e. it is possible to sort first by one property, then by another, equal values of the second sorting will keep their order according to the first sorting.

// Sort all users by gender, users of the same gender sort by login 
XdUser.all().sortedBy(XdUser::login).sortedBy(XdUser::gender, asc = true)

It is possible to sort entities by property of the property.

// Sort users by titles of their jobs
XdUser.all().sortedBy(XdUser::job, XdJob::title)


You can convert a query of entities to query of some link values.

// Get jobs of existing users

It also works for multi-value queries as well.

// Get groups of existing users


// Calculate exact number of users

// Calculate rough number of users. Executes faster than size() but is eventually accurate

// Calculate number of users matching the predicate
XdUser.all().size(XdUser::skill gt 2)

isEmpty, isNotEmpty, any, none

The following three expressions do the same: check if there is no users with skill greater than 2

XdUser.all().query(XdUser::skill gt 2).isEmpty()
XdUser.all().query(XdUser::skill gt 2).none()
XdUser.all().none(XdUser::skill gt 2)

The following three expressions do the same: check if there are users with skill less or equal to 2

XdUser.all().query(XdUser::skill le 2).isNotEmpty()
XdUser.all().query(XdUser::skill le 2).any()
XdUser.all().any(XdUser::skill le 2)

Paging: drop & take

Query all users except first 5.


Query at most 5 first users.



Calculate position of the element within the query.



Check if the query contains the element.

XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2).contains(user)
user in XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2)

First & single element

Get first element of the query.

XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2).first()

Get first element of the query that matches the predicate.

XdUser.all().first(XdUser::skill gt 2)

Get first element of the query or return null if the query is empty.

XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2).firstOrNull()

Get first element of the query that matches the predicate or return null if the query is empty.

XdUser.all().firstOrNull(XdUser::skill gt 2)

Check that there is only one element in the query and return it.

XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2).single()

Check that there is only one element matching the predicate and return it.

XdUser.all().single(XdUser::skill gt 2)

If there is only one element in the query return it, otherwise return null.

XdUser.query(XdUser::skill gt 2).singleOrNull()

If there is only one element matching the predicate return it, otherwise return null.

XdUser.all().singleOrNull(XdUser::skill gt 2)

Mutable queries

Persistent properties representing links have type XdMutableQuery. This type has additional operations to modify value of the properties.





Add all

user.groups.addAll(sequenceOf(group1, group2))
user.groups.addAll(listOf(group1, group2))
user.groups.addAll(XdGroup.query(XdGroup::parent eq null))

Remove all

user.groups.removeAll(sequenceOf(group1, group2))
user.groups.removeAll(listOf(group1, group2))
user.groups.removeAll(XdGroup.query(XdGroup::parent eq null))

