
The arrays contains information about the expected and actual number of calls of the functions that have not been called the expected number of times.

import assert from 'node:assert';

// Creates call tracker.
const tracker = new assert.CallTracker();

function func() {}

// Returns a function that wraps func() that must be called exact times
// before tracker.verify().
const callsfunc = tracker.calls(func, 2);

// Returns an array containing information on callsfunc()
// [
// {
// message: 'Expected the func function to be executed 2 time(s) but was
// executed 0 time(s).',
// actual: 0,
// expected: 2,
// operator: 'func',
// stack: stack trace
// }
// ]


v14.2.0, v12.19.0


An array of objects containing information about the wrapper functions returned by {@link tracker.calls()}.