
abstract fun sendSync(channel: String, vararg args: Any?): Any?(source)

The value sent back by the ipcMain handler.

Send a message to the main process via channel and expect a result synchronously. Arguments will be serialized with the Structured Clone Algorithm, just like window.postMessage, so prototype chains will not be included. Sending Functions, Promises, Symbols, WeakMaps, or WeakSets will throw an exception.

NOTE: Sending non-standard JavaScript types such as DOM objects or special Electron objects will throw an exception.

Since the main process does not have support for DOM objects such as ImageBitmap, File, DOMMatrix and so on, such objects cannot be sent over Electron's IPC to the main process, as the main process would have no way to decode them. Attempting to send such objects over IPC will result in an error.

The main process handles it by listening for channel with ipcMain module, and replies by setting event.returnValue.

:warning: WARNING: Sending a synchronous message will block the whole renderer process until the reply is received, so use this method only as a last resort. It's much better to use the asynchronous version, invoke().