
@AutoConfiguration(after = [DataSourceAutoConfiguration::class])
open class ExposedAutoConfiguration(applicationContext: ApplicationContext)

Main configuration class for Exposed that can be automatically applied by Spring Boot.

This should be applied on a Spring configuration class using: @ImportAutoConfiguration(ExposedAutoConfiguration::class)

Note As part of the configuration, @EnableTransactionManagement is added without setting any attributes. This means that all attributes have their default values, including mode = AdviceMode.PROXY and proxyTargetClass = false. If the type of proxy mechanism is unexpected, the attributes can be set to the required values in a separate @EnableTransactionManagement on the main configuration class or in a configuration file using spring.aop.proxy-target-class.


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constructor(applicationContext: ApplicationContext)


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@ConditionalOnMissingBean(value = [DatabaseConfig::class])
open fun databaseConfig(): DatabaseConfig

Database config with default values

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@ConditionalOnProperty(value = [""], havingValue = "true", matchIfMissing = false)
open fun databaseInitializer(): DatabaseInitializer

Returns a DatabaseInitializer that auto-creates the database schema, if enabled by the property in the file.

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open fun springTransactionManager(datasource: DataSource, databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig): SpringTransactionManager

Returns a SpringTransactionManager instance using the specified datasource and databaseConfig.