
abstract class IdentifierManagerApi

Base class responsible for the parsing and processing of identifier tokens in SQL command syntax.


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All keywords for the database, including ANSI_SQL_2003_KEYWORDS and database-specific keywords.

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abstract val quoteString: String

The string used to quote SQL identifiers for the database.


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Returns an identity wrapped in quotations and containing no more than the maximum identifierLengthLimit.

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fun inProperCase(identity: String): String

Returns an identity in a casing appropriate for its identifier status and the database, then caches the returned value.

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fun needQuotes(identity: String): Boolean

Returns whether an SQL token should be wrapped in quotations and caches the returned value.

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Returns an identity wrapped in quotations, if validated as necessary.

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Returns an SQL token wrapped in quotations, if validated as necessary.

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Returns whether an identity should be wrapped in quotations and caches the returned value.