Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface DOMRouterOpts
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sealed external interface FetcherFormProps : Props, SharedFormProps

Form props available to fetchers

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sealed external interface FetcherSubmitFunction

Submits a fetcher <form> to the server without reloading the page.

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sealed external interface FetcherSubmitOptions : SharedSubmitOptions

Submit options available to fetchers

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sealed external interface FetcherWithComponents<TData> : Fetcher<TData>
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sealed external interface FetcherWithComponentsLoadOpts
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Form props available to navigations

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sealed external interface GetFormSubmissionInfoResult
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typealias JsonValue = Any?
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sealed external interface NavLinkRenderProps
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sealed external interface ScrollRestorationProps : Props
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typealias SetURLSearchParams = (nextInit: (prev: URLSearchParams) -> URLSearchParamsInit?, navigateOpts: NavigateOptions?) -> Unit
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Form props shared by navigations and fetchers

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sealed external interface SharedSubmitOptions

Submit options shared by both navigations and fetchers

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typealias SubmitFunction = (target: SubmitTarget, options: SubmitOptions?) -> Unit

Submits a HTML <form> to the server without reloading the page.

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sealed external interface SubmitOptions : FetcherSubmitOptions

Submit options available to navigations

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typealias SubmitTarget = Any?
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sealed external interface UseBeforeUnloadOptions
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sealed external interface UseFetcherOptions
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sealed external interface UseFetchersResultItem : Fetcher<Any?>
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sealed external interface UseFormActionOptions
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sealed external interface UseLinkClickHandlerOptions
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sealed external interface UsePromptOptions
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sealed external interface UseScrollRestorationOptions
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sealed external interface UseViewTransitionStateOpts
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sealed external interface ViewTransition
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A @remix-run/router-aware <form>. It behaves like a normal form except that the interaction with the server is with fetch instead of new document requests, allowing components to add nicer UX to the page as the form is submitted and returns with data.

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The public API for rendering a history-aware <a>.

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A <Link> wrapper that knows if it's "active" or not.

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Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI

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This component will emulate the browser's scroll restoration on location changes.


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external fun createBrowserRouter(routes: ReadonlyArray<RouteObject>, opts: DOMRouterOpts = definedExternally): Router
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external fun createHashRouter(routes: ReadonlyArray<RouteObject>, opts: DOMRouterOpts = definedExternally): Router
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external fun createSearchParams(init: URLSearchParamsInit = definedExternally): URLSearchParams

Creates a URLSearchParams object using the given initializer.

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external fun getSearchParamsForLocation(locationSearch: String, defaultSearchParams: URLSearchParams?): URLSearchParams
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external fun isButtonElement(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isFormElement(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isHtmlElement(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun isInputElement(value: Any?): Boolean
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external fun shouldProcessLinkClick(event: LimitedMouseEvent, target: String = definedExternally): Boolean
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external fun useBeforeUnload(callback: (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) -> Any?, options: UseBeforeUnloadOptions = definedExternally)

Setup a callback to be fired on the window's beforeunload event. This is useful for saving some data to window.localStorage just before the page refreshes.

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external fun <TData> useFetcher(options: UseFetcherOptions = definedExternally): FetcherWithComponents<TData>

Interacts with route loaders and actions without causing a navigation. Great for any interaction that stays on the same page.

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Provides all fetchers currently on the page. Useful for layouts and parent routes that need to provide pending/optimistic UI regarding the fetch.

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external fun useFormAction(action: String = definedExternally, options: UseFormActionOptions = definedExternally): String
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external fun <E : Element> useLinkClickHandler(to: To, options: UseLinkClickHandlerOptions = definedExternally): (event: MouseEvent<E, MouseEvent>) -> Unit

Handles the click behavior for router <Link> components. This is useful if you need to create custom <Link> components with the same click behavior we use in our exported <Link>.

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external fun usePrompt(options: UsePromptOptions)

Wrapper around useBlocker to show a window.confirm prompt to users instead of building a custom UI with useBlocker.

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external fun useScrollRestoration(options: UseScrollRestorationOptions = definedExternally)

When rendered inside a RouterProvider, will restore scroll positions on navigations

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external fun useSearchParams(defaultInit: URLSearchParamsInit = definedExternally): JsTuple2<URLSearchParams, SetURLSearchParams>

A convenient wrapper for reading and writing search parameters via the URLSearchParams interface.

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external fun useSubmit(): SubmitFunction

Returns a function that may be used to programmatically submit a form (or some arbitrary data) to the server.

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external fun useViewTransitionState(to: To, opts: UseViewTransitionStateOpts = definedExternally): Boolean

Return a boolean indicating if there is an active view transition to the given href. You can use this value to render CSS classes or viewTransitionName styles onto your elements