Package-level declarations


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sealed external interface ArchiveToolType
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sealed external interface CacheFilename
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sealed external interface CompressionMethod
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sealed external interface DownloadOptions
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external class DownloadProgress
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external class ReserveCacheError : Throwable
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sealed external interface TransferProgressEvent
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sealed external interface UploadOptions
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external class ValidationError : Throwable


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const val DefaultRetryAttempts: Int = 2
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const val DefaultRetryDelay: Int = 5000
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const val SocketTimeout: Int = 5000
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const val TarFilename: String


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external fun <T> assertDefined(name: String, value: T = definedExternally): T
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suspend external fun createTar(archiveFolder: String, sourceDirectories: ReadonlyArray<String>, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod)
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external fun createTarAsync(archiveFolder: String, sourceDirectories: ReadonlyArray<String>, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun createTempDirectory(): String
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suspend external fun downloadCache(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String, options: DownloadOptions = definedExternally)
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external fun downloadCacheAsync(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String, options: DownloadOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun downloadCacheHttpClient(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String)
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external fun downloadCacheHttpClientAsync(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun downloadCacheHttpClientConcurrent(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: PathLike, options: DownloadOptions)
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external fun downloadCacheHttpClientConcurrentAsync(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: PathLike, options: DownloadOptions): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun downloadCacheStorageSDK(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String, options: DownloadOptions)
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external fun downloadCacheStorageSDKAsync(archiveLocation: String, archivePath: String, options: DownloadOptions): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun extractTar(archivePath: String, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod)
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external fun extractTarAsync(archivePath: String, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod): Promise<Void>
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external fun getArchiveFileSizeInBytes(filePath: String): Number
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external fun getCacheFileName(compressionMethod: CompressionMethod): String
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external fun getCacheVersion(paths: ReadonlyArray<String>, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod = definedExternally, enableCrossOsArchive: Boolean = definedExternally): String
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suspend external fun getCompressionMethod(): CompressionMethod
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external fun getDownloadOptions(copy: DownloadOptions = definedExternally): DownloadOptions
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suspend external fun getGnuTarPathOnWindows(): String
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external fun getUploadOptions(copy: UploadOptions = definedExternally): UploadOptions
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external fun isFeatureAvailable(): Boolean
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external fun isGhes(): Boolean
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external fun isRetryableStatusCode(statusCode: Number = definedExternally): Boolean
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external fun isServerErrorStatusCode(statusCode: Number = definedExternally): Boolean
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external fun isSuccessStatusCode(statusCode: Number = definedExternally): Boolean
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suspend external fun listTar(archivePath: String, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod)
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external fun listTarAsync(archivePath: String, compressionMethod: CompressionMethod): Promise<Void>
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suspend external fun resolvePaths(patterns: ReadonlyArray<String>): ReadonlyArray<String>
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suspend external fun restoreCache(paths: ReadonlyArray<String>, primaryKey: String, restoreKeys: ReadonlyArray<String> = definedExternally, options: DownloadOptions = definedExternally, enableCrossOsArchive: Boolean = definedExternally): String?
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external fun restoreCacheAsync(paths: ReadonlyArray<String>, primaryKey: String, restoreKeys: ReadonlyArray<String> = definedExternally, options: DownloadOptions = definedExternally, enableCrossOsArchive: Boolean = definedExternally): Promise<String?>
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suspend external fun <T> retry(name: String, method: () -> Promise<T>, getStatusCode: (arg0: T) -> Number?, maxAttempts: Number = definedExternally, delay: Number = definedExternally, onError: (JsError) -> T?? = definedExternally): T
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external fun <T> retryAsync(name: String, method: () -> Promise<T>, getStatusCode: (arg0: T) -> Number?, maxAttempts: Number = definedExternally, delay: Number = definedExternally, onError: (JsError) -> T?? = definedExternally): Promise<T>
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suspend external fun retryHttpClientResponse(name: String, method: () -> Promise<HttpClientResponse>, maxAttempts: Number = definedExternally, delay: Number = definedExternally): HttpClientResponse
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external fun retryHttpClientResponseAsync(name: String, method: () -> Promise<HttpClientResponse>, maxAttempts: Number = definedExternally, delay: Number = definedExternally): Promise<HttpClientResponse>
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suspend external fun saveCache(cacheId: Number, archivePath: String, options: UploadOptions = definedExternally)
suspend external fun saveCache(paths: ReadonlyArray<String>, key: String, options: UploadOptions = definedExternally, enableCrossOsArchive: Boolean = definedExternally): Number
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external fun saveCacheAsync(cacheId: Number, archivePath: String, options: UploadOptions = definedExternally): Promise<Void>
external fun saveCacheAsync(paths: ReadonlyArray<String>, key: String, options: UploadOptions = definedExternally, enableCrossOsArchive: Boolean = definedExternally): Promise<Number>
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suspend external fun unlinkFile(filePath: PathLike)
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external fun unlinkFileAsync(filePath: PathLike): Promise<Void>