Module Kotlin Wrappers

API Reference for Kotlin Wrappers.

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GitHub Actions Toolkit declarations

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Browser APIs missing from the standard library

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CesiumJS declarations

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CesiumJS declarations

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Platform-agnostic CSS primitives.

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CSSType — TypeScript and Flow definitions for CSS, generated by data from MDN. kotlin-cssom-core library is CSSType core types adoption for Kotlin.

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CSSType — TypeScript and Flow definitions for CSS, generated by data from MDN. kotlin-csstype library is CSSType adoption for Kotlin.

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Kotlin wrapper for Electron.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Emotion library.

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Kotlin wrappers for standard JS objects as well as some helpers required for kotlin-react.

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Kotlin wrappers for standard JS objects.

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Kotlin wrapper for MUI Base UI.

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Kotlin wrapper for Material UI Icons.

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Kotlin wrapper for MUI Lab.

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Kotlin wrapper for Material UI.

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Kotlin wrapper for MUI System.

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Kotlin wrapper for MUI X Date Pickers.

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Kotlin wrapper for MUI X Tree View.

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Node.js declarations

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Wrappers for Popper, a tooltip & popover positioning engine.

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Wrappers for Preact Signals Core.

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Wrappers for Preact Signals React.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React library. The major version number of this wrapper matches that of React itself.

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react-beautiful-dnd — Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React

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Kotlin wrapper for the React library (core bindings). kotlin-react and kotlin-react-legacy are built upon this.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React DOM library. The major version number of this wrapper matches that of React DOM itself.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React DOM library. The major version number of this wrapper matches that of React DOM itself.

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Kotlin wrappers for standard React DOM Test Utilities.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React library. The major version number of this wrapper matches that of React itself.

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React Popper — React wrapper around Popper, a tooltip & popover positioning engine.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React Router library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React Router DOM library.

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Kotlin wrapper for React Select.

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Kotlin wrapper for react-use.

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Kotlin wrapper for the React Router library.

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This is a reimplementation of kotlin-styled in pure Kotlin that doesn't use styled-components. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for kotlin-styled. It's currently feature-complete and its performance characteristics are very similar to kotlin-styled.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack Query Core library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack React Query library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack React Query Devtools library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack React Table library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack React Virtual library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack Table Core library.

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Kotlin wrapper for the Tanstack Virtual Core library.

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Kotlin wrapper for TypeScript.

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Kotlin wrapper for @vercel/ncc.

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Common web wrappers