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Kotlin Playground examples # Kotlin Playground demo ## Automatic initialization Insert a ` ``` For instance following block of Kotlin code: ```txt class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main(args: Array) { val contact = Contact(1, "mary@gmail.com") println(contact.id) } ``` Turns into:
```kotlin class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main(args: Array) { val contact = Contact(1, "mary@gmail.com") println(contact.id) } ``` </div> You can also change the playground theme or disable run button using `theme` and `data-highlight-only` attributes. ```html
```kotlin fun main(args: Array) { println("Hello World!") } ``` </div> Or theme `kotlin-dark`
```kotlin fun main(args: Array) { println("Hello World!") } ``` </div> Set another target platform with attribute `data-target-platform`. ```html
```kotlin fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a + b } fun main(args: Array) { print(sum(-1, 8)) } ``` </div> You can use JS IR compiler also. ```html
```kotlin fun mul(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a * b } fun main(args: Array) { print(mul(-2, 4)) } ``` </div> You can use Wasm compiler. ```html
```kotlin fun mul(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a * b } fun main(args: Array) { print(mul(-2, 4)) println(" + 7 =") print(mul(-2, 4) + 7) } ``` </div> Use `data-target-platform` attribute with value `junit` for creating examples with tests:
```kotlin import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert class TestExtensionFunctions() { @Test fun testIntExtension() { Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(4, 1), 4.r()) } @Test fun testPairExtension() { Assert.assertEquals("Rational number creation error: ", RationalNumber(2, 3), Pair(2, 3).r()) } } //sampleStart /* Then implement extension functions Int.r() and Pair.r() and make them convert Int and Pair to RationalNumber. */ fun Int.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(this, 2) fun Pair<Int, Int>.r(): RationalNumber = RationalNumber(first, second) data class RationalNumber(val numerator: Int, val denominator: Int) //sampleEnd ```
The test clases in this code snippet are folded away thanks to the `//sampleStart` and `//sampleEnd` comments in the code. If you want to hide test classes completely just set the attribute `folded-button` to `false` value. Also you can mark arbitrary code by putting it between `[mark]your code[/mark]`. ```html
```kotlin import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert class TestLambdas() { @Test fun contains() { Assert.assertTrue("The result should be true if the collection contains an even number", containsEven(listOf(1, 2, 3, 126, 555))) } @Test fun notContains() { Assert.assertFalse("The result should be false if the collection doesn't contain an even number", containsEven(listOf(43, 33))) } } //sampleStart /* Pass a lambda to any function to check if the collection contains an even number. The function any gets a predicate as an argument and returns true if there is at least one element satisfying the predicate. */ fun containsEven(collection: Collection): Boolean = collection.any {[mark]TODO()[/mark]} //sampleEnd ``` </div> Use `data-target-platform` attribute with value `canvas` for working with canvas in Kotlin: ```html
```kotlin package fancylines import org.w3c.dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D import org.w3c.dom.HTMLCanvasElement import kotlinx.browser.document import kotlinx.browser.window import kotlin.random.Random val canvas = initalizeCanvas() fun initalizeCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement { val canvas = document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement val context = canvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D context.canvas.width = window.innerWidth.toInt(); context.canvas.height = window.innerHeight.toInt(); document.body!!.appendChild(canvas) return canvas } class FancyLines() { val context = canvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D val height = canvas.height val width = canvas.width var x = width * Random.nextDouble() var y = height * Random.nextDouble() var hue = 0; fun line() { context.save(); context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 20.0 * Random.nextDouble(); context.moveTo(x, y); x = width * Random.nextDouble(); y = height * Random.nextDouble(); context.bezierCurveTo(width * Random.nextDouble(), height * Random.nextDouble(), width * Random.nextDouble(), height * Random.nextDouble(), x, y); hue += (Random.nextDouble() * 10).toInt(); context.strokeStyle = "hsl($hue, 50%, 50%)"; context.shadowColor = "white"; context.shadowBlur = 10.0; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } fun blank() { context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,1,0.1)"; context.fillRect(0.0, 0.0, width.toDouble(), height.toDouble()); } fun run() { window.setInterval({ line() }, 40); window.setInterval({ blank() }, 100); } } //sampleStart fun main(args: Array) { FancyLines().run() } //sampleEnd ``` </div> Use `data-js-libs` with a comma-separated list of URLs to specify additional javascript libraries to load. ```html
```kotlin external fun moment(): dynamic fun main() { val startOfDay = moment().startOf("day").fromNow() println("The start of the day was $startOfDay") } ```
```kotlin external fun moment(): dynamic fun main() { val startOfDay = moment().startOf("day").fromNow() println("The start of the day was $startOfDay") } ```
## Manual initialization If you want to init Kotlin Playground manually - omit `data-selector` attribute and call it when it's needed: ```html ``` Add additional hidden files: Put your files between ` </div> </body> </html>